Search found 15 matches: Manuka

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Manuka honey works wonders on a fissure

hi again ...I'd just like to mention how I treated my last fissure. I applied manuka honey umf20+ on the area and I swear to God the fissure was healed by the next day. This honey is powerful stuff and is a natural antibiotic, its used for healing wounds that normal ...
by Tuberose
14 Mar 2012, 00:38
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Manuka honey works wonders on a fissure
Replies: 6
Views: 15500

Manuka Honey

3 weeks, 1 day post botox and doing ok! Call this weird but certainly worth a try. Manuka honey on your butt!! :D (and on your toast if you like, just make sure you dont use the same spoon ) I havent tried this yet but ...
by busybird
15 Feb 2012, 14:21
Forum: Diet Tips / Supplements
Topic: Manuka Honey
Replies: 5
Views: 6468

manuka honey

i read that putting a bit of manuka honey on the anal fissure twice a day can kill off the bacteria that may stop fissure healing,i saw it on a website dr.ben kim (natural therapies) there is quite a bit on there worth at least a read,it ...
by electric jaws
15 Feb 2012, 11:42
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: manuka honey
Replies: 3
Views: 2809

Manuka Honey

Hi everyone, Has anybody tried this stuff. It comes from New Zealand and has properties that other honey doesn't. It is supposedly promotes healing and prevents infection. There is lots of research to be read if you want on the internet including documented results/findings from a whole team of scie...
by Guest
03 Jan 2011, 04:55
Forum: General Anal Fissure Discussion
Topic: Manuka Honey
Replies: 8
Views: 4549

manuka honey

has anyone tried using this on a fissure? its meant to have amazing healing properties for repairing wounds. its even used in hospitals to treat MRSA wounds. was thinking to getting some manuka honey ointment, but wont bother if someone else as tried it and its useless.
by Guest
04 Nov 2007, 05:25
Forum: Diet Tips / Supplements
Topic: manuka honey
Replies: 10
Views: 5365

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