by HLT2 » 21 Jun 2019, 13:03
Hi woeisme, the colonoscopy revealed internal hems and possible microscopic colitis which could explain some of the previous bleeding. She sent a biopsy for that. The endoscopy revealed gastritis and a stomach polyp, which she said isn't usually serious but she sent for biopsy on that as well. I didn't have any colon polyps, thank goodness. The prep wasn't bad once everything started turning liquid. (BTW I will never eat green jello during prep again...I'll stick to yellow, lol) There was a point where I was having a lot of pain and burning and didn't think I was going to get through it, but it kept feeling better each time I went and the pain didn't linger like it did before I had the surgery. Post procedure, I haven't been having hardly any pain at all. I hope it lasts!!