Hi everyone,
I had a fistulotomy on January 7th (a little over 12 weeks ago) and it looks like it is nearly healed (there is some raw skin and wetness near the wound but no depth at all. I generally feel no pain, but for the past 3 days I've had some mild pain during my bowel movements, feeling like I was passing a hard stool even though I have been eating plenty of fiber. During the past few weeks I have had some tightening and loosening, tightening and loosening of the wound which appeared to coincide with increased closure and healing. I'm just curious if you think these pains are due to the healing getting close to the anus and this me feeling more tightness...or if you think there is a problem. There is no blood after these stools. It feels similar to internal hemorrhoid soreness but it appears to be coming from the part of my anus where the wound is. Should I be concerned? Again it isn't major pain at all...very minor (an ache) but anything at this point makes me concerned.