Spasm after LIS surgery

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Spasm after LIS surgery

Postby Pita89 » 21 Nov 2019, 10:07

I had LIS now 5 months ago, with several complications in my healing process that will be the subject of a later post. I saw my CRS 3 days ago, who confirmed that my fissure and surgical wounds are healed.

The trouble is I am now having spasm in the lower left area of my rectum. The spasms are not related to BMs, nor are they as painful as the crippling spasms I had when the fissure was active (luckily), but they are there. Initially after the surgery I would have spasm maybe once a week, now I have them almost daily. Has anyone had this experience? Does the muscle need to somehow "unlearn" the spasm cycle? Has anyone successfully resolved these spasms?
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Re: Spasm after LIS surgery

Postby North West Jen » 25 Nov 2019, 00:12

Hello! Have you been referred to Pelvic Floor therapy? Are the spasms higher up or in your Anal sphincter?
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Re: Spasm after LIS surgery

Postby Pita89 » 25 Nov 2019, 00:48

I have not had therapy yet, but am scheduled to start in January. The spasms are in the lower left area of (I believe) my sphincter. I've had pain in that region since the surgery and occasional spasms, but the spasms have become more frequent.

My CRS is totally unhelpful with the post-surgical pain and spasm issues, so I'm trying to get a sense of what others have dealt with and if it's ever gotten better. :-/
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