sphincterotomy Twice?

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Re: sphincterotomy Twice?

Postby Harper05 » 15 May 2017, 07:30

Because the throbbing some days...
Reasons I think I need another..
I can't fully go to the bathroom...
Sometimes I get bladder spasms- I think this has to do with the fissure.
I'm wondering if I should go in the day before and see if I still need it?
Or just do it....
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Re: sphincterotomy Twice?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 15 May 2017, 08:33

Have you tried pelvic floor physio? If you're having spasms elsewhere in the pelvic floor they may be able to help relax things.

But if you're having trouble going, that can be a sign that the sphincter is still spasming. It could be other things of course. But likely the surgeon wouldn't offer a surgery if it wouldn't help
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Re: sphincterotomy Twice?

Postby Harper05 » 15 May 2017, 12:32

no but I was actually just reading about it!! do you know if it works?

I know.. but I haven't seen the surgeon in almost 3 weeks.. maybe things changed, but if they changed I'm sure he wouldn't have scheduled the surgery.

having trouble going is the worst, sometimes I go 4/5 times before I leave the house.. I would like to just go once fully and that's it..
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Re: sphincterotomy Twice?

Postby Harper05 » 08 Jun 2017, 07:07

So do you guys feel like the fissure is still there? I am 19 days post op and I feel
Like it's still there? The pains not awful but I feel tenderness around the fissure
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Re: sphincterotomy Twice?

Postby raoden » 14 Jun 2017, 15:02

I am 7 days post op. I am finding it tough to distinguish between fissure pain and incision site pain. I still have pain right after BM. But it seems to stop in 15 to 20 minutes. Basically the time it takes me to complete a sitz bath. I have a dull pain after that, which I am sure is the surgical pain. I am worried about the initial pain right after the BM. I hope it is the surgical pain and not the fissure. In any case I have a follow up with my CRS scheduled for 06/19. I guess he should be able to say if the fissure is healing or not. Did you manage to talk to your CRS?
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Re: sphincterotomy Twice?

Postby Harper05 » 14 Jun 2017, 15:09

Crs said fissure is still there- though healing. After my last visit I feel like I can really understand what the fissure is and how it is healing.
He said I should be feeling better in 2 weeks. He gave me analpram...
I don't know about 2 weeks, I feel like it's going to take awhile. I still feel the incision and the fissure - but it's more of a stinging then a throbbing.
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Re: sphincterotomy Twice?

Postby Harper05 » 25 Jun 2017, 11:23

So I'm almost 6 weeks out post surgery #2, and I'm still not healed. I am traveling this week, and almost feel like I need pain meds, it's awful.
What are the chances of a 3rd surgery? Or anyone know what they do if it doesn't heal?
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Re: sphincterotomy Twice?

Postby kevinpdx » 28 Jun 2017, 15:41

Harper, I'm sorry to hear about your pain. Did the same CRS do both surgeries? It might be good to get a 2nd opinion from a different CRS? Wishing you a speedy recovery
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Re: sphincterotomy Twice?

Postby Harper05 » 28 Jun 2017, 18:09

No.. 2 different CRS. The second one said he is not counting the first ones surgery.
So he plans on cutting again on the 2nd side.....
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