stretching thw wound

how to do it?

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stretching thw wound

Postby Asore Arseagain2 » 10 Dec 2014, 04:37

Hi All, Ive heard that after fistula surgery you should stretch the wound. can somone please tell me how u do this? and should i be doing this or not if i also have a fissure ? thanks AA2
Asore Arseagain2
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Re: stretching thw wound

Postby Savaici » 14 Dec 2014, 14:00

I have never heard of stretching the wound after fistula surgery. Think you should ask your surgeon.
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Re: stretching thw wound

Postby tll » 14 Dec 2014, 14:09

I have had numerous fistula surgeries and never was told to stretch the area that would make it worse I would think.
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