by Ever the Optimist » 09 May 2014, 01:56
Just be careful with the amount of stool softeners you are using :) I know you want softer than soft stools and that is totally understandable following surgery but Miralax (and probably post op stress) may make you need to go more than normal, especially if you're using more than you did before. Take care to keep everything going in gentle on your tum. Hope you continue to feel better & better :) & it's still early days, so just try to relax & rest as much as you can. Vdb is spot-on - it takes a lot of time, but you will get there!
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups