Surgery yesterday


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Re: Surgery yesterday

Postby sotiredofthis » 03 May 2014, 16:10

So today I've had 3 loose bms so far. Not painful during but the stinging on the tag removal site really sucks for most of the day. What the heck!!!! I still can't sit down and I'm so tired of standing or laying down. I'm not sure what to take for stool softening now. I've been taking 2 tbsp of mineral oil and 2 stool softeners per day. Right now I don't want to take anything! My bum is sore! Any advice? Darn IBS!!

Sorry for the vent. Just want to give an honest account here.
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Re: Surgery yesterday

Postby sotiredofthis » 03 May 2014, 18:21

Ok make that 4 loose stools so far again today! My bum is on fire! No more laxatives for me today! Hopefully it will calm down tomorrow.
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Re: Surgery yesterday

Postby sotiredofthis » 05 May 2014, 16:12

1 Week update:

Friday and Saturday were pretty rough days. Thankfully, I only went 1 time on Sunday and once today so far. I could actually sit down yesterday and today for short periods of time on a pillow. Still trying to get the bms the right consistency which is hard if you have IBS. I may add just a little Mirilax to my twice a day stool softener routine. Hopefully that will work and make it a little softer. I'm feeling a little itching as well. I'm praying that means I'm healing.
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Re: Surgery yesterday

Postby vdb324 » 05 May 2014, 19:47

You're making progress!
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July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
Oct. 2013 - 1st round of Botox & skin tag removal
Dec. 2013 - 2nd Botox
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Re: Surgery yesterday

Postby sotiredofthis » 05 May 2014, 19:48

How are you doing vdb?
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Re: Surgery yesterday

Postby sotiredofthis » 06 May 2014, 15:13

Update Day 8:

So adding the 1 tsp of Miralax I think gave me 2 bms today. The second very loose again! That's not progress! I need to keep it to one. Not sure what to do now. Maybe just stick to the 2 stool softeners and Benefiber and probiotic that I always take. I was just hoping for a little smoother than those things give me but definitely not loose!!!

Also, I have the little bump I've read so much about. How do you know if it's an infection or hemmie or something else? It just hurts (burns) and itches. No other symptoms like fever or anything. I was given an antibiotic during surgery and use a topical antibiotic my CRS gave me every night. I'd be surprised if it's an infection but it still worries me. My CRS assistant will be calling tomorrow so of course I'll ask her. Just wondering if anyone had any other advice.

Still can't sit for more than a few minutes and that's even on a pillow. I was so hoping to be one of the ones who bounces back so quick but it is what it is.

Onward and Upward!!! No going back now!
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Re: Surgery yesterday

Postby vdb324 » 08 May 2014, 17:56

I think for the majority of us it just takes time. I read a few of the "I was healed immediately/within a week or two/etc., and I got my hopes up for the same thing. And then got extremely down and frustrated when I tried to mark my progress according to others. I am doing better overall - more days without blood than with and little to no pain, and that's progress. And I didn't even notice that progress until week 4. I think it is because your body needs to recover from the "shock" of surgery before it can start working on the AF. Thinking and praying for you still!
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
Oct. 2013 - 1st round of Botox & skin tag removal
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Re: Surgery yesterday

Postby sotiredofthis » 08 May 2014, 18:35

Thanks for the prayers, vdb! I know what you mean about comparing to other people's stories. It is so frustrating and disheartening.

My CRS office called today and I described my little bump. She said it was totally normal considering all I had done. I wish I could have just had LIS and not all the other stuff. Maybe that would have made a difference. But, my main objective is to heal completely and get on with my life so I totally trust my CRS in whatever she thought was necessary to accomplish that in the long run. She told me to give it another 2 weeks and she felt like I would feel better. She said I just haven't turned that corner yet. I so want to see that light at the end of the tunnel! Patience when you're hurting is so hard.

I'm so glad you're feeling better. Will continue to pray for you!
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Re: Surgery yesterday

Postby Ever the Optimist » 09 May 2014, 01:56

Just be careful with the amount of stool softeners you are using :) I know you want softer than soft stools and that is totally understandable following surgery but Miralax (and probably post op stress) may make you need to go more than normal, especially if you're using more than you did before. Take care to keep everything going in gentle on your tum. Hope you continue to feel better & better :) & it's still early days, so just try to relax & rest as much as you can. Vdb is spot-on - it takes a lot of time, but you will get there!
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Re: Surgery yesterday

Postby sotiredofthis » 12 May 2014, 17:56

2 week update:

So today is 2 weeks since LIS and things are better than at 1 week. Yes, there have been ups and downs and I still can't sit for long periods of time but I am sitting so that's an improvement. I still have some burning/irritation. I've only driven one time so far. Car seats are so uncomfortable! I have been out a couple of times. Once to church and once to Walmart. Walking wasn't very pleasant so I was just in and out with my husband.

I've been in contact with my CRS and everything I'm feeling she thinks is totally normal seeing that I'm only 2 weeks out and things are still swollen and disturbed down there and I did have a lot done. I just need to give it more time. I'm doing the best I can to keep my stools soft but not too loose which is so challenging with IBS.

On top of all that I started my period today. Yeah me....not! My CRS doesn't want me wearing tampons yet and I so, so hate wearing pads but it is what it is and I'll get through this, too.

So over all I do feel better but it is a very slow, slow process. Definitely slower and longer than I thought.

Praying you are all well or on your way to well!
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