Swollen groin gland after surgery?

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Swollen groin gland after surgery?

Postby worriedagain » 29 Jun 2020, 17:34


Well I had my fistula surgery last wednesday and was over the moon when the surgeon told me it was a low fistula which he had laid open, and it should heal relatively quickly- so no more surgery/visits required.
things have been healing well, day 5 now and bleeding has stopped and there is just a bit of yellow, pus like discharge, which I'm thinking would be normal??
I've been really pleased with the progress until I discovered a lump in my groin area today, which I think will be lymph nodes? Tender to the touch but not visible.

Is this normal after surgery? or could it indicate infection? I'm going to see if it is better in the morning but if not I'll give the doctor a call I think- but thought I'd ask here too in case it's something normal?

thank you :-)
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