That was a lot of blood

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That was a lot of blood

Postby Bloodybum » 24 Mar 2019, 09:24

I've had an anal fissure for a couple weeks now. At first it wasn't too bad and I thought it was a hemorrhoid, and during that time I didn't treat it well at all- straining a bit during movements & using prep H with the vasoconstrictors.

Finally it got so bad I couldn't do a BM at all for several days. I strained a lot during that time. It started bleeding, and I went to the doc. They said I had an AF and gave me the calcium channel blocker cream and said to do the baths & miralax. That was about a week ago, and it got things moving again, but I'm still concerned about the amount of blood I'm seeing. Most BM's have a small amount- does that mean it's not healing? I started eating a little less to try and give the bum a little easier time, and the last two days no blood. But then this morning I had a very small BM with a LOT of blood. It wasn't just a streak or something, it was like a shark attack at the bottom of the bowl. This seems out of the ordinary and has me freaked out. Anyone experience anything like that? Should I go back to doc?

Mr. Bloody Bum.
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Re: That was a lot of blood

Postby owmybum » 24 Mar 2019, 15:51

It’s always really scary to see lots of blood. It could actually still be hemorrhoids, along with the fissure.
I would ask your dr to refer you to a colorectal surgeon who will be able to have a proper look and give you a plan for treatment. Try not to worry in the mean time x
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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Re: That was a lot of blood

Postby Bloodybum » 24 Mar 2019, 16:00

Thank you, I'm going to do that.
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