The Itch of the Diltiazem

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The Itch of the Diltiazem

Postby Howie » 19 Feb 2017, 15:39

Hi all,

Quick question. I've been getting a bit of itching on my bottom these days, and I have been using Diltiazem for several years now and I understand you can get some itchiness as side effect - I'm wondering whether this itch is actually this side effect or its caused by something else?

I'm curious for those who has felt the itch of the Ditiazem on what it feels like? Of course it's likely to be different for everyone, but it would be so helpful so see what everyone has felt.

Is the itchy all around the bum on concentrated in a few areas?

Is it just for the time upon applying the cream, or is it continuous throughout?

Does it progressively evolve? Does the skin become red?

Keep strong everyone!

:thanx: :thankyou:
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Re: The Itch of the Diltiazem

Postby LemonMan » 20 Feb 2017, 17:02

I suffered from the 'itch' for a while. On the leaflet I had it basically explained that you may get an itch "until your body gets used to the medicine". Personally I used some hydrocortizone cream to get me passed that period, but yes it did stop itching eventually. I also tried anti-fungal cream that helped, but I think only because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It was basically anywhere the cream found its way to and it felt like an intense itch/burning that I just really badly wanted to scratch. I suspected that if the diltiazem was not fresh (within a couple of months) then this made things worse. It got worse over a couple of weeks, and then got better again for me. However I eventually gave up diltiazem because it started to give me quite bad hemmerhoids. I may try again, but in much smaller quantities - not sure at the moment.

Has it helped heal you at all, having taken it for several years?

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Re: The Itch of the Diltiazem

Postby Howie » 22 Feb 2017, 07:52

Hi LemonMan

Thanks for your insightful reply!

Coincidentally after having the itch I went to see the GP to see what they sought was the cause and they have also prescribed to me hydrocortisone cream, which has been quite useful in easin the itch. I'm using both in conjunction at the moment, with Diltiazem in the evening and hydrocortisone during the day. At the moment so far so good.

I too have the same feeling that old Diltiazem caused more itching. As I used new ones prescribed by my CRS the itching was certainly a lot better.

Interestingly enough my itch was concentrated in two patches around my bum, rather than all areas where the Diltiazem is touching. It typically lasts for an hour and so then goes away - is that similar to what you experienced?

Diltiazem had really helped my healing of AFs over the years, however I'm surprised to have this reaction given how long I've used it for.

Sorry to hear you had hemorrhoid issues; can you elaborate more on that? Is that a common side effect of Diltiazem? How did it occur? And was it related to the itching?

:afsmile: :Rock:
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Re: The Itch of the Diltiazem

Postby Esperanza » 22 Feb 2017, 08:14

Hi Howie and Lemon man.

I hava had a CAF since August 2016. I have had the same experience with Diltiazem, which I have used since december 2016. Since a week and a half ago I am finally feeling much better, I even think that I have healed.

I had terrible itching after applying Diltiazem several, several times, until around 3 weeks ago. I also noticed that somtimes after applying it, maybe I would touch the bottle and unknowingly apply some of the residue to my hand and the itching on my hand would be terrible too. this sensation would dissapeared after washing my hands.

I thought that it was caused by the ointment falling on dry skin, because the area of my hand were it would cause itching was very dry.

So, if the itching was too bad, I would use a piece of wet toilet paper to clean around and remove the excess of diltiazem, and this would immediately improve the itching.

Right now, I constantly feel itching and burning on the left side and I think it might be a hemorrhoid. This is not as bad as the pain of the fissure. So, I am also interested in knnowing more about the Diltiazem-hemorrhoid association.

Ill visit my CRS today. :D
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Re: The Itch of the Diltiazem

Postby LemonMan » 22 Feb 2017, 17:27

Hi Howie,

In my case the itching was non-stop. They were small sores looking at them. hydrocortisone dealt with it quickly, but you shouldn't use it long term as it will thin the skin. Regarding hemorrhoids, I never had them before using diltiazem, and now have them but they are fairly minor. It was the main reason I stopped using it. It makes sense I guess in that diltiazem increases blood flow to the area and expands the blood cells. I think using old cream made it a lot worse, so I would recommend just a small amount ideally less then 2 months old. It wasn't as a result of itching, and since stopping diltiazem they have improved. Apparently this happens sometimes with botox too.

Hope that's of some use.

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Re: The Itch of the Diltiazem

Postby Howie » 22 Feb 2017, 18:06

Thanks LemonMan and Esperanza, very interesting to hear.

LemonMan: at least it's assuring to know that hydrocortisone managed to clear it up for you.

May I ask how long did it take for it to clear up for you using hydrocortisone? How did you apply it? (e.g. using diltiazem alongside hydrocortisone applying twice a day, or alternating between the two such as diltiazem during day and hydrocotisone in the evening ?) Did the itch come back when you re-used diltiazem after hydrocortisone cleared the initial itch?

On the sores - I have similar experience. As mentioned above, I seem to have a small patch that's itchy versus the entire area exposed to diltiazem being itchy. However, in the middle of this small patch on the right side of the anus, the itch is concentrated on this small "sore" in the middle of it.

Thanks for your note regarding skin thinning. I read about this before and did ask this with my GP, however she mentioned that in reality the steroid in the hydrocortisone is so weak that in reality it poses no real danger. Obviously its not suitable for prolonged use but I imagine if usage is under 2 weeks there's no real danger.

Certainly an interesting observation on the hemorrhoid - a side effect I've never heard of before. I wonder how common that is....
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Re: The Itch of the Diltiazem

Postby LemonMan » 22 Feb 2017, 19:33

Hi Howie,

It took about a week to clear up. I would then apply it first and then apply diltiazem straight after, kind of like a barrier cream. Seemed to work just fine. I then stopped using the hydrocortisone about a week later and all was good from there on. I think it depends somewhat on the individual to be honest and their skin make up. Some people never get the itch, but plenty do, some just can't continue to use it because it's too itchy.

Have you used diltiazem constantly for several years, or do you take it as and when needed? Just wondered if you have felt if it's healed you at all in that time?

Best LemonMan
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Re: The Itch of the Diltiazem

Postby Howie » 23 Feb 2017, 20:27

Thanks LemonMan. I've used Dilt only when needed over the years, typically for around 8 weeks after a fissure appears (which is about 2-3 times a year). Historically Dilt has always managed to heal the fissure up with no issues, only the last time the healing came with a serious dose of itchiness as well...
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Re: The Itch of the Diltiazem

Postby Howie » 08 Mar 2017, 19:32

If anyone else has any experience with this - it would be awesome to get your opinion on this

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Re: The Itch of the Diltiazem

Postby Lornalives » 25 Aug 2017, 11:30

I have been using Neozem for about 6 weeks without a problem until the last few weeks when I have been driven crazy by intense itching, it's been so bad that it's woken me up consistently throughout the night. It's reassuring to know that I'm not alone in this! I'll be trying out all the suggestions ASAP!
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