by corn18 » 08 Jan 2017, 19:04
I am so glad I found this website. I have had fissures in the past. November, 2015 it was really bad (severe pain, bleeding, etc..) and my doctor put me on the fiber supplement, Konysl, which was life changing. I have been fissure free, up until 10 days ago when I contracted some type of bug in Jamaica which caused me to go to the bathroom 8-10/day, thus… causing my new fissure. The pain of the fissure was so bad. My family doctor started me on a probiotic and this past Wednesday, I went to my colon rectal doc who said, “ you have tried everything up my sleeve. I think the next step is surgery.” I explained to him that I just started the probiotic the day before and I wanted to see if that would help the number of bowel movements I was having and that maybe the fissure would heal. He agreed that was fine to wait and I would follow up with him in a few weeks. I am going to the bathroom less and feel that maybe the fissure is a little better. I am doing sitz baths, applying desitin, coconut oil and nifedipine. But yesterday and today, the blood is so bad, even when I pass gas. The whole toilet is red and its more than a few drops of blood. I called the doc on call and he said if the bleeding continues even after the bowel movement (which it is not), then you need to go to the ER. Is it normal to have this much blood. Has anyone had a similar situation? I’m really nervous to see all of this red blood and I could really use some advise. Thanks.