Dairy: 2 months..and counting

Two fissures at 5 and 7 O'Clock

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Dairy: 2 months..and counting

Postby randyyang » 10 Jul 2016, 02:03

Hello,after reading Canadabum's Dairy it really inspired me, figured to start my own dairy thread since I post everywhere else. After strict diet to make my BM soft, I haven't experienced any pain and retear for about a month and two weeks. But lately I felt little scraping feeling during BM for the last four days, today i saw some blood comes out with my stool, that‘s so frustrating, cuz during the most painful time two months ago I didn't saw any blood. I remember I had terrible spams and scraping pain two months ago but never saw any blood, but today there are some blood out of blue,but not so much pain, I really scared the terrible spams will come back after, but it's three hours after BM already,I didn't experience any spams so far, finger crossed. it just little irritated feeling, little discomfort when I moving around but no pain, I was confused what is going with my butt? was is a minor setback? cuz my BM are soft and thin as usual, I had high intake of fiber and drink ton of water, the only thing different is after haven't had any problem for more than a month, i slowly adding up some carbs in my diet since I thought i was on the road to recovery, but all of sudden,,,,, I really scared that month and two weeks of hard work and progress will ruined by a single Retear tomorrow. my fissure at 7 o clock is internal i think it's hard to not scraping it when the stool passing by,,,,,
anyone experienced set back like this?
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Re: Dairy: 2 months..and counting

Postby pinpin » 27 Jul 2016, 00:49

Eventually I am getting similar retear, minor setback so to say. It sometimes goes along with pain for me. I usually take ibuprofen immediately, to prevent pain cycle, to break it down and get things down relaxed allowing quick healing.

Hopefully your fissure will occasionally heal
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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