Thank you for asking, but there's still no improvement in my condition :I
I'm unable to sit longer (without ring cushion) than few minutes until the tearing/burning pain starts to build up in the rectum and perineum area. Sometimes when I've had to sit for a short period of time (last time when my eyes were examined) I even notice the pain radiates to the tip of penis. Also, the skin on my whole buttocks area feels constantly sore and sensitive.
And yes, I have had those shooting/stabbing pains in my stomach area. Fortunately these occur quite rarely and not bother me so much.
My pelvic floor pt did a biofeedback test for me which should show if those pelvic muscles are in spasm, but they were not. My sphincter had a good resting tonus and contraction force. These are good findings and give me some hope.
These remedies work for me
- Lidocaine gel 2% applied to buttocks area. This stops the over sensitive sensation for 30mins at a time, then I have to reapply
- Micro Reheatable cushion filled with grains
- I bought a TENS unit. I connect electrodes on my sacrum area (my Pt guided me how to use this) and let it run for 30 mins at a time. Twice a day.
I tried nortriptyline drug but had to quit it after few days because it caused me a tinnitus which persists after two weeks
Positivesun have you noticed any improvement?