Awful diarrhea for days even after not on Miralax?

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Awful diarrhea for days even after not on Miralax?

Postby roseyaa » 20 Sep 2016, 19:30

So I just started taking stool softeners. I tried 1/4 tsp of Lax a Day (Canadian equivalent of Miralax) 3 days ago in the evening on an empty stomach.

The following day, I had 2 bm's - the second one was mush. The whole day my gut had that sore/sensitive feeling like it was irritated.

The following day, same thing - and I had 3 bm's within hours of each other. I didn't immediately think it was the Lax a Day I took because sometimes I get diarrhea when I eat the wrong thing in the morning (e.g. apples, kiwi's).

Today, I ate oatmeal to settle down my stomach. Again, same thing... another bm within 1-2 hours. While it wasn't diarrhea (it was like really really narrow and soft and oily), it feels bad because my gut feels like bm-ing at any moment. It's not excruciatingly pain, but just very irritated.

I started cramping from my period, so this might also affect gut motility.

But I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar experience taking their stool softeners?

I didn't think 1/4tsp would have that much of an effect. Even so, I stopped taking it for DAYS! Now I'm too scared to touch it.
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Re: Awful diarrhea for days even after not on Miralax?

Postby averageJoe2000 » 23 Sep 2016, 20:30

Maybe it was too big dose. I took too big dose of milk magnesia and it made me have really bad diarreha
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Re: Awful diarrhea for days even after not on Miralax?

Postby roseyaa » 23 Sep 2016, 23:27

averageJoe2000 wrote:Maybe it was too big dose. I took too big dose of milk magnesia and it made me have really bad diarreha

How much did you take? I didn't think 1/4 tsp would be that big of a dose! Everyone on here is taking a capful or half of that.
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