Don't normally post on these types of things but hope to help with my story. I had a severe fissure that was persistent for 3 years. Tried the doctor recommended treatment - mainly rectiv cream which gave me a severe headache. Didn't have a fiber issue so increasing that didn't do anything. Then recommended botox or surgery. Not something I wanted to do. For a few months, 2 or 3 times a day I would insert my finger with petroleum jelly and massage in a circle and actually rub with pressure on the fissure. This helped but it would still easily tear. Then I bought some 5% lidocaine anal cream on Amazon and applied that and used a small dilator (butt plug). Did that a few times and literally was healed in a few weeks. Would use the cream on an off a bit longer but now don't need. My anus feels very relaxed and supple now. I can only think the lidocaine helped to relax the muscle and allowed it to stretch without ripping? I will say when trying this my fear was that the numbness would just hide the pain and allow even more damage, but that was not the case. A friend if mine tried this solution and has success as well.
All that I can say is that I was resigned to this being an ongoing thing and this simple solution resolved the problem very rapidly. Hope it helps.