botox users

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botox users

Postby mmb0423 » 09 Apr 2010, 16:47

i've been looking through the botox posts and have read a lot about peoples experiences, but still have some questions.
i was just wondering if the botox users could tell me a little of what to expect with them. i'm a new mom, so i'm mostly wondering if i will feel up to taking care of the little one that day or the next day. my husband took a week off when we had the baby, and has taken days off to take me to doctor with all of my butt problems. i want to try to arrange some help if it will be needed after the botox so that he won't have to take much more time off. :( i want him to have some kind of vacation time left for something fun! any info you could give me about your experience would be appreciated!
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Re: botox users

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 09 Apr 2010, 16:55

I went about my day as usual following Botox, no downtime or any changes required. The place where I got Botox injected was a 60 mile drive from home, so I drove up there, got it done, then drove back and went about my business. The injection site was a little sore for a couple of days but nothing other than that.
Bear in mind that I had mine done without anesthesia or sedation, though, and protocol may vary from place to place. if you have some kind of sedation for the procedure then obviously you probably won't want to drive to and from the appointment, but I doubt it would be any different for the days after.
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Re: botox users

Postby mmb0423 » 09 Apr 2010, 17:04

thanks NG!
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Re: botox users

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 09 Apr 2010, 17:30

No worries, Mechelle. I know a few folks have had bad Botox experiences but on the whole it's pretty well tolerated as far as I know. I think the chief complaint is that the relief it provides isn't permanent. That was definitely the case with me. I thought I was good to go for a couple of months but then things regressed. I don't think you have much to lose by trying it, though, other than the possibility of disappointment that it didn't work.
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Re: botox users

Postby cherylk » 09 Apr 2010, 18:17

I asked Dwight to include you in our ever growing list of names for prayer. I forgot where in Indiana you live. I went to college near Indy, and one of my BIL's lives in Lafayette.
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Re: botox users

Postby mmb0423 » 09 Apr 2010, 19:08

I'm hoping that since the problem had cleared up for so long on it's own the first time (I was symptom free for about 3 years), that the problem came from the pain meds and hormones that were involved with having a baby via csection. I'm praying that the Botox will help. Thanks so much Cheryl! I live north of Indy in Kokomo. It's such a small world huh?
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Re: botox users

Postby cherylk » 09 Apr 2010, 19:12

Right, it is. I'll look up Kokomo on my map!! I think these nasty things can come and go!
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Re: botox users

Postby mmb0423 » 09 Apr 2010, 20:24

NG- just thought of another question for you... when you said that the injection site was sore for a few days do you think sore as in mild pain or similar to fissure pain? right now with my fissure i'm not having the knife stabbing, i wanna rip my eyes out pain, but rather a stinging, burning pain after some bms but not all. my stomach is messed up a little though, i think from stress... which has resulted in me going to the bathroom a lot sometimes. today i'm up to 3 trips so far. i think a normal person might be a little sore after that kind of action! lol
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Re: botox users

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 09 Apr 2010, 22:39

Hey Mechelle, I mean as in mild pain at the injection site. Definitely not severe blinding pain like an acute fissure.
My fissure came with the "passing shards of glass and cry on the toilet while not being able to move" type of pain in the beginning. Probably for the first 3 months or so. But after that it simmered down. I'm not sure if that was because of the Botox, dietary changes, the nitro ointment, or what, but for whatever reason, it definitely went down a bunch of notches. That's when I started thinking I might be out of the woods...
Since then it's re-emerged at times, but the pain has never been as intense as it was in the very beginning, nor has it bled as much as it did back then. I think part of it is that your nerves can become desensitized to the pain. I'm scheduled for LIS in a few weeks and this is why I sometimes question whether I should go through with it. But even though the pain isn't insane anymore, it's been with me for so long that I'm just tired of it.
For what it's worth, once my fissure went chronic, the pain has been more like a soreness or bruise. It stings a bit if I have repeated BMs and the area feels kind of sensitive and raw. But mostly it's a dull soreness these days.
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Re: botox users

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 09 Apr 2010, 22:43

I guess the short way to sum it up is this: if you had the insane intolerable pain during your acute fissure phase, then the actual Botox shot and any subsequent discomfort should be a total walk in the park by comparison :) I'll admit that getting the injection didn't exactly feel good, but it's over very, very quickly.
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