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Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 01 Nov 2007, 07:19

Fissulyna-I know what you mean about everything being fortified with Calcium. It causes constipation for me and I have to check the content on things.
Before I came to the board I was eating a high fiber diet and 20 fiber pills a day until Kim set me straight. I was pooping way too much at a time. My mentality is if a little is good than more must be better!
So same would go for the Reese's cups I think!

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 02 Nov 2007, 15:07

Hello my friends : ),
Thanks for info about your ways to keep "it soft down there" ; ) ! Yes LECIA, did you notice Fe in everything too !!! My gosh - like we live in Urunda Burundi and need every bite to be fortified with all kinds of vitamins and minerals - just silly !
I just bought Mg capsules the other day - didn't read ingrediants for God's sake - it is Mg supplement !!! Guess what - it has Ca too!!!!! I almost screamed of frustration ! OK, in theory you need both for strong bones - but than they should put in front label Magnesium AND Calcium - right ????? Anyway, now I read back of every single item I buy - even toothpaste , ha ha ha - just joking ; ).
KIM, thanks for helping me go through very hard withdrawal period from oh so addictive prunes - I am almost there - have to have one or two a day just to calm down ; ), but I am getting there buddy !regarding your rosacea, my sister went to dermathologyst - she was useless. So, she went to naturopath and she said that she has to stop consume ALL sugars and she did - her condition is completely resolved !!!!!!! She is not drinking even juices . I think that complex carbo are OK , like dark rice, dark bread and so forth, I will check with her. Don't worry, we will fix it ; ) !!!
PAINGOSOUTH, Isn't it something - world is really such a small place after all!
Thanks for spending 5 years trying to help my people, well, thanks is such a small word, but it comes from the deepest place of my heart. You should go and visit now again when you get better, it is rebuilding so fast and Adriatic riviera is getting popular with USA celebs now (like Nicky Hilton, Ivona Trump, and numerous others. I really hope that you do not ave a Crohn's , but even if you do as you will se in this book - boy COMPLETELY recovered !!!!!!
Regarding candida problem, thre are legitimate lab ests for that (candida antibodies count), so if anybody is concerned shoud do that - doctors of enviromental interests are the best for those.
Sorry for so may sp. mistakes, can't risk "cutting and pasting" this, yesterday i lost ALL again, so I am sending it as it is : (...
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 02 Nov 2007, 17:14

Yeah-the iron thing is frustrating too!
With calcium, my doctor actually had to prescribe a prenatal vitamin that didn't have added calcium because I could go for 4 days without going to the bathroom.
You are too funny-yes, it would seem we are living in an undernourished society with all the added vitamins and minerals everywhere. I think it just makes for expensive pee and anything above what you need just gets excreted if they are water soluble!
I take magnesium too. Let me go see if it has calcium in it-nope-thank goodness. Magnesium sure has been helpful to get my sphincter to relax to go the the bathroom.
Hope everyone has a peaceful BM weekend!

Re: Hi : (

Postby Deleted User 5 » 02 Nov 2007, 17:18

I don't consume sugars, except in my fruit, but I cannot do without my fruit, or POM juice. I wonder if natural sugars (fructose) are different?
Deleted User 5

Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 02 Nov 2007, 18:36

Yes, I think they are different from refined sugars.

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 02 Nov 2007, 20:26

They are ALL different , I mean you have many, many kinds of carbs - mono, bi, poly atc., and they all have different way of metabolizing pathways. This fact is especially important for diabetics, for example. Also, you probably heard of glicemic index - not all foods have same amount of sugars in %. If you look at your milk carton you might have heart attack - 25 % carbs !!!!! Now, people are wondering why diabetes 2 is on the rise , DOUGH !!!!!!! Sugars are added to everything AND in the big amounts. Why white rice is bad and brown good - because white has nothing but starch (which is glucose on steroids), while brown has carbs + protein+ some healthy oils + fiber !!!!!
Have to run now to eat my cabbage stew ; ))) !!! Talk to you later XOXO
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Deleted User 5 » 02 Nov 2007, 20:34

I guess my question is, how does fructose and lactose affect the rosacea.
I know I don't get many refined sugars, I avoid them like the plague. But I could never give up my fruit!!
BTW, Fissulyna, are you haveing fewer BMs now that you are eating less prunes? I sure hope so!
Last edited by Deleted User 5 on 03 Nov 2007, 10:12, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 5

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 02 Nov 2007, 22:27

heh, yes, I have 3 instead of 5 - but HEY : ))))), it is still a progress, especially because I still sneak at night in my pantry and gulp 1 or 2 , ha ha ha ; ))), just kidding. Now I have only 2or 3 prunes before dinner and sometimes lunch if it is sandwich - just to add extra fiber to that bread. Now, I discovered that that theory about oranges making poo soft is really working !!!! Oh well, I am not the perfect specimen for that experiment because I never had hard BMs to begin with, ha ha, but, with tangerine after dinner mornings are like : oooops, did i actually did something in the potty - that is how fluffy it is- but not runny at all !!! So, don't worry about your fruits yet, we will know for sure about sugars and rossacea as soon as I get hold of my Sis. I know for sure though that she can not drink any juice - I mean , reaction is immediate !!! Almost like allergy ?!? I felt so bad one day when I pressed her to have some organic cranberry juice and after an hour she ended having redness on her nose : (((, I thought that she is exaggerating about the whole thing but no - it was true. Maybe all manufactured juices have added sugars >: / ? How about you try to find your pomegranate juice sugar free ? : ) and see if it helps ???
Talk to you soon : ) and don't worry, I will not forget to ask tomorrow : )
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Deleted User 5 » 03 Nov 2007, 10:18

Wow, that is so sweet of you to find out. I drink 8 ounces of POM pomegranate juice every day, and most days I eat a pomegranate, too. I would hate to give that up, but I'd be willing to go a week and see what happens.
As for the oranges making for good poo, well, Chris (Buttgirl) has already put us all on top of that. It makes a lot of sense. You ingest so much water with the citrus, and apparently the body sends the available water *at that moment* of ingestion along with the bulk (or keeps it) and uses THAT for the stool. Kind of like drinking water with any fiber, the fiber does little good without the water. Drinking water later in the day doesn't seem to help nearly as much, as far as it reaching the stool.
That's a fantastic lesson for all AF sufferers if it is true....drink your water while you're eating.
Deleted User 5

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 03 Nov 2007, 19:32

PHEW !!!!! Finally got her !!! That woman is like I was before my fissure ; ) - never in one place more than 5 min. OK, now, GOOD NEWS : )))) ! You can eat your fruits in tons ; )) ! You also can drink juices as long as they are sugar free (usually it says "diet") on them. You also should avoid tomatoes, chocolate , red vine, hot spices at all cost. Now, not bad ; )))) , right ????
Hope it will resolve your "pinky cheeks" ; ) !
All the best !!!!
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