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Re: Hi : (

Postby Deleted User 5 » 03 Nov 2007, 20:59

Well, that is good news, except my juice doesn't say diet! But who needs all that juice if you're eating the fruit? Tomatoes, eh? And I love them!
Thanks a milionl!!
Deleted User 5

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 04 Nov 2007, 00:39

You are more than welcome : ) ! I am little bit bummed right now - had very good 3 days, combo of creams and Valium and Relafen relieved spasms to very tolerable level and fissure during BM was almost reduced to little pinch or nothing at all - but today I had 2 BMs that were normal but not soft enough for fissure. I survived somehow but just now I had my third BM (it is 11 pm BTW), and although I managed to make it ultra soft with double dose of mineral oil, one tsp MOM and tangerines and prunes - IT HURT : (((((((((((... I could feel the fissure, not horrific pain at all or any bleeding but very STRONG pinch - I know it is injured somewhat now and I am so sad : (, I was just becoming to believe that i am maybe getting "there" - now I am so down : ( . I will know real status tomorrow morning : (((.. When you had LIS, did your fissure ever hurt still occasionally ??? I am not sure should I take some MOM before i hit the bed, don't want to cause me go to bathroom in the middle of the night : (. Do you know if MOM is just making BMs soft or it is stimulant too ???
Thanks in advance a lot...
One very sad Fissulyna @: (
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 04 Nov 2007, 07:56

Hi :arwen:
Ah, don't be sad. It happens to all of us. Over and over. It doesn't mean that you are starting from scratch though with your healing. You know it is bad when you have to pray before you go to the bathroom like I do.
MOM and Miralax really seem to help me. I take 1/2 a dose of every day. Do you think you could add a bowl of All Bran Buds cereal? I seriously feel like eating that every day has been a saving grace for me. I have even learned to like it. (I put vanilla soy milk and stevia on top).
MOM and miralax are not stimulants-they just draw more water into the stool. My friend is a physician and her 10 year old daughter had to be on miralax for 4 years and there was no problem stopping when she needed to.
You can have your worst day and then the next day you can have your best.
I take MOM at night and it has never woken me up in the night to go. But I do need to go pretty soon after I wake up though.
Hope today is better!!!

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 04 Nov 2007, 13:18

Hi dear friend <3 ! thank you for writing to me so fast, I needed it so badly : ((. Yes, I do the same thing, pray before I sit on the "throne" and than think, God, forgive me for p raying in such a place, and sorry for being half nude, but i need you NOW!!!! : (((( Lecia, can you just give me an example of your daily menu ? Especially one when you had a fissure - what you eat and when and how long in between you would wait to take a MOM or Miralax ? Who is manufacturing your Bran Buds : ), cereal isles are sooo long, I tied to find it by sight without much success. How many meals you had a day ? I tried skipping the lunch for 2 days to
lower the number of BMs and l lowered amount of metamucil and prunes. Yes, I succeeded in lowering No. of BMs , but they became less fluffy and my F is acting up : (, AND I LOST 2 MORE pounds - aaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!Did you ever used metamucil on top of MOM and Miralax ??? Sorry for so much questions, I hope you will find time to answer me soon, I am just trying to have more normal diet and gain some wight : ( and give my butt a brake at he same time
which is maybe oxymoron : (((((, but hey, one has to try ....
Thanks a lot in advance ! Hope you have a great weekend !!!!! Image Image Image
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 04 Nov 2007, 14:11

Hey sweetheart,
Let me see if I can give you an idea of what I eat and how I take my supplements.
Breakfast: Glass of water with 1/2 dose of Miralax
Protein Bar
Fish oil supplement
1 Aloe vera capsule
Lunch: All Bran Buds (I think it is Kellogg's) I have a huge serving-like two in one at least because I have a big cereal bowl. One serving has 13 grams of fiber and I get two so right there is 26 grams of fiber
Soy milk
Snack: 1 bag of frozen cherries or frozen blueberries with stevia and cool whip
PM: Natrol Biobead probiotics (1 pill)
1 aloe vera capsule
Dinner: Stir fry veggies with 2 tablespoons flax seed oil and a vegetarian sausage
Snack: Frozen Yogurt (I eat about 1 carton a day as I am trying to gain weight).
About 8 pm I have half a dose of MOM.
I don't take fiber supplements anymore as you can see I get quite a bit from my diet.
I tried to cut back on eating too in an attempt to not go to the bathroom and lost too much weight. And I still had to go to the bathroom so it didn't help.
I don't know if my diet is a great one to follow but I eat it pretty much every day so I know how I am going to poop the next day.
I hope this helps!

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 04 Nov 2007, 14:35

Thanks a million <3 <3 <3 !!!!! You spent so much time writing this - I appreciate it very, very much ( XOXO ). It is so hard to eat such a restricted diet and so many stool softeners and still maintain the weight , but what can we do : (. As you said - having less pain is worth it. That is the case with me too. I think I will have to go to my previous diet and poop 5 times but at least not loose any more weight : (. I especially have to be careful now that my period is coming : (. I will add MOM 2 times a day this week, and maybe try Cramp Bark for cramps. I take Mg regularly now, every day for 4 weeks already. Ca can't use..Thanks again for everything!!!!
XOXO :wood:[list]
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 04 Nov 2007, 16:41

I meant to tell you I take 1200 mg of Magnesium a day. I think I mentioned somewhere else that my sister in law is a naturopathic doctor and she put me on this amount. I take the magnesium glycinate form.
I also put some whey protein powder on my cereal too.
I'll add more if I remember anything else!
I see you figured out how to use the smilies! :09:

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Nov 2007, 18:52

I take almost the same amount ! My husband actually "decided" that I should take double the recom. dosage ; ), but he doubled it in the morning and night which translates in 4X more. Poor Kim, probably is seeing us dying in some kind of Mg convulsion ; ))), which is possible , BUT hey, death is sometimes "merciful"
thing , heh heh.
Regarding smillies : ) - I am getting there ...still figuring out how to insert them
in the middle of the text, ha ha, but don't worry sweety, I will get to it one of those days ; ), ha ha ha. Lecia, hoew long it took for you to heal your F and did you ever had any setbacks during that period? Did you use Nefidapine cream ? My F is acting up those 2 days - today little bit better. My poop was just a notch less soft than usual and voilaaaa - F is hurting again. What is strange is that my spasms are almost gone and now F is hurting - just meadning !!!!!
Today I went to acupunctue - I cried when I saw the bill : (((((, had to buy package to get some discount - all in all if it does not help i will dress as ninja
and take my money back during the night !!!!!! I have 4 tretmants and I got some herbs who hopefully wont kill me - you guys should see how those roots and pods and barks and fungi look like - Halloweeney stuff, I tell you !!!! AND, you need about 3 hours to make just 2 cups of tea ?!! ??? Oh, well, I have heat dumpness inside of me and my pulse of kidneys is out of wreck , so I guess, If you do not hear from me tomorrow assume that I am in either in the ER or in spirit world ; ). Now, that I think some more, I would have better spent that money on the "weed" ahahahahaa, I never tried it in my life but i am sure it will make my sphincter loose as a cooked spaghetti Image !!!!!
I have to go now to put my cauldron on the stove and start the "tea" - God help me.....
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 05 Nov 2007, 19:23

You are so funny-are you a writer? You have such a colorful way of expressing yourself-it is like I can imagine your voice!

My fissure took 4 months to heal through diltiazem cream and 3-4 baths a day. My fissure was healed but I had (still have) a skin tag from the sentinel pile that took several months to stop hurting. I got my fissure from a hemorrhoid surgery in December and the whole healing process took from December-June. And you bet I had a lot of setbacks. I was on the board a lot needing support and encouragement because one day I could feel like I was healing and then the next day wham-blood and pain so bad.

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Nov 2007, 19:04

Thank you buddy for encouraging words (XOXO) !!!! It is so frustrating when you have 2 good days and get that small voice in your heart start whispering , "You see, you will heal, you can do it , God's love is making you whole again", and than next time you go to the bathroom you realize you are far from being healed and if ever and start questioning why God does not love you any more :( ?!? Or if he is there at all .....or he is not there just for me....
No, my dear Lecia, I am not a writer and never will be with my "English" , ha ha,
you are so sweet <3 <3 <3, I am happy if i make you laugh : )))) !!! Wish we live closer....wish we ALL live closer...
Lots of love :_): :arwen:
PS: Did you use your cream outside or inside ? I was instructed to use them outside....
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