Hi : (

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Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 28 Oct 2007, 15:07

[b]Hi all,
I hope I am doing this "posting" thing right, just joined after couple of days of futile trys , I guess when your butt mulfunction - your brain follows the tend :roll: . I wuld also like to apologize for my spelling mistakes that will occur on regular bases because English is my seccnd lanuage , but I am sure that pain speaks one universal language :( . I got my fissure
on my FIRST day of vacation on HI - what a great way to start your dream vacation - heh???!! I always had trouble going to public restrooms, but had to go anyway after long trip so I was sitting on the toilet seat for eons waiting for everybody to go out so I wouldn't "God forbid" make any emberassing sound in there - like other people produce arias siting there (???), and at that moment pushed soooooooo hard that even tough I was not constipated I managed to tear my guts because of psychosis my involuntary muscle was in full spasm . HOW STUPID, STUPID I was Image !!!!!!! I know that there is no way I can go back in time, but still I can't forgive myself for doing such stupid thing, snd for being such a "tight ass" about normal,natural physical bodily function. Now I have fissure :( that does not want to heal even i tried everything under he sun . I have it now for 3 months and was 3 times so close to heal it just to reopen it with freak accidants. I feel like somebody is doing Woo-Doo tricks with my butt, I am so physiclay and emotionaly drained that I am concedering LIS moe and more. I do not have constipation EVER, and now that I use more fiber and mineral oil to lubricate guts I have soft BM's BUT I GO 3 to 5 times A DAY to the bathroom which is just rediculous !!!!
Does anybody have that kind of problem ??? My stools are ideal consistency for fissure but I have to use that poor anus so many times a day and I have to be HOME to go and have sitzbaths 4 times a day and there are just so many hours in a day !!!! My life is basicly GONE. The rast of the day if I am not in the bathroom is controled by pain
:( . I can't use Ibuprofen because of my sensitive stomach, and Tylenol just halps a little. I also use Nitro cream and gazilion natural oils and creams , but my sphincter spasms after an hour after i have my BM and rarely "let go". I am at the end of my wits ,
I know that you guys understand, that is why I am writting - only my husband understands me compleely , everybody else is waiting for me just to "snep out of it" Image . I am was offered Botox but after reading disclamer I opted not to have it , I would ruther have LIS - something that has almost 100% cure rate and is used for 50 years for tretmant of chronic fissures. I red all of the posts on this site, but after so many one just start to mix who wrote what, so i would appreciate if people who had LIS can write to me just couple of words about their satisfaction with the procedure and if anybody got incontinent after the surgery ????
Thank you all for reading and listenning to my endles rumbling, how i wish i can meet you all in person Image
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 28 Oct 2007, 15:28

Hi there and Image
I am sorry you are having such a hard time with all of this. We can completely understand and empathize with your plight. I know the feeling about wanting to step back in time. I have anxiety about going in public too.
I have not had LIS so I won't be able to help you there but I wonder if you are overdoing the fiber and oils because you go to the bathroom so much. You are right, your poor anus can only take so much.
It sounds like you are a good candidate for the surgery though having given the nitro a chance and how much this is controlling your life and your low tolerance for pain medications.
It will get better though. I don't know anyone here who has regretted the surgery and I am sure they will be by to give you a summary soon.
Take care and don't give up hope!

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 28 Oct 2007, 15:54

Thank you Lecia for fast repy!!!! You are really such compassionate and giving person ! I just want to add that like you I have other chronic painful conditions like Fibromyalgia and Burning Mouth Syndrome (which is damage to the nerves in the mouth) and this third ailment is just "cherry on the top" or better say "on the bottom". I am only in my early forties and I really, really want my life back : (((. I managed to overcome somehow first 2 conditions to the point that i was able to function completely almost normal, but this is keeping me "home ridden" and i am slowly but surely becoming depressed : ( and anxious which is aggravating my first 2 mentioned conditions : (. I lost 14 pounds in 3 months and I was not big to begin with. So, now i am size 4 : (((((( and i am 5'6". As afiber i use only Metamucil, and mineral oil ine tbs mid-day and 1 before I go to sleep. This way my BM is soft "all over" - begining to end , but it is not helping : (. Before AF I was going twice a day - that was my normal biorithm, now with ust little exta nodge it became 4-5 !!!
What a bummer. If I don't keep it this "pastey" it is VERY painful to go potty
so I am between a rock and a hard place : (((. Thank you again for writing back and for your confirmation that LIS might be my best option since I was doubting myself if I am just a WUSS or something : ((( since many here live with fissure for years - I JUST CAN'T : ((((((.....My whole body is going out of balace, not to mention my nerves : ((((.[/b]
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Re: Hi : (

Postby happyass » 28 Oct 2007, 16:09

hi fissulyna,
welcome to the board!
and don't feel bad or embarrassed for not being able to crap in public! i can't either and well, unless if i am to the point where i am in pain and can't hold it in anymore with cramps, then i must attempt to go in public but usually wait it out until there is no one on the toilets!!!!! i never go no 2 at work unless if i go to the gym room and use the toilet there but it must be at an odd hour where no one would be using the gym!
anyway, with your fibromyalgia, have you considered taking cymbalta? it is an antidepressant but i think aside from neuropathy i believe others have taken it for fibromyalgia as well. i take it for anxiety and depression and it has been a very good help to me. since it helps with pain receptors, it may help with your burning mouth syndrome as well. who knows?
if i could, i would rather go to the toilet 2-3 times a day every day. but i am lucky when i can keep it at one per day for a series of days. then all of a sudden i skip a day or two! ugh!
well it sounds like you have done some thought about LIS and your next step would be to consult a CRS to see what the opinion is and if you should do it or if there are a few things that you still need to try for relief and healing.
i have not had LIS. but i dealt with my fissure for close to 4 years. i was super scared to see a CRS but eventually i did and among macrobiotics, they both helped me heal my fissure.
i am glad you can recognize that your body is going out of balance.
what can you do to restore some if not all of it?
good luck!
Last edited by Anonymous on 28 Oct 2007, 16:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Deleted User 5 » 28 Oct 2007, 16:34

I had the LIS and if your are otherwise healthy, not morbidly obese and not too old, then why not? I suffered for 7 months with the horror of the daily pain and the fact that it controlled my life, too.
Can you think of any underlying reasons why you *couldn't* have the surgery? Cheryl, the founder of this board, had it and it also gave her her life back. A few people *do* have some problems after the LIS, it is not perfect, but I think that *may* have as much to do with the surgeon's skill more than anything.
Deleted User 5

Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 28 Oct 2007, 17:02

I just want to add that like you I have other chronic painful conditions like Fibromyalgia and Burning Mouth Syndrome (which is damage to the nerves in the mouth) and this third ailment is just "cherry on the top" or better say "on the bottom". That is a lot to deal with-I can relate.
I am only in my early forties and I really, really want my life back : (((. I managed to overcome somehow first 2 conditions to the point that i was able to function completely almost normal, What are you doing to help control the fibro and nerve pain?but this is keeping me "home ridden" and i am slowly but surely becoming depressed : ( and anxious which is aggravating my first 2 mentioned conditions : I think once I did't go out of the house for several weeks and that was just to go to the doctors.
As afiber i use only Metamucil, and mineral oil ine tbs mid-day and 1 before I go to sleep. This way my BM is soft "all over" - begining to end , but it is not helping : (. Do you think maybe switching to flaxseed oil and or fish oil would cut down on the number of bms you have? I don't want to rock the boat though if you have something that is working for you consistency wise though. Before AF I was going twice a day - that was my normal biorithm, now with ust little exta nodge it became 4-5 !!!
What a bummer. If I don't keep it this "pastey" it is VERY painful to go potty
so I am between a rock and a hard place : (((. Thank you again for writing back and for your confirmation that LIS might be my best option since I was doubting myself if I am just a WUSS or something : ((( since many here live with fissure for years - I JUST CAN'T : ((((((.....My whole body is going out of balace, not to mention my nerves : ((((.I take cymbalta too for pain and depression. I also have developed some anxiety too from all of this. When I am not in pain I start to fear when the pain will come back.
Hugs to you, Arwen!

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 28 Oct 2007, 22:56

Thank you all so much for understanding and for writting me so fast : ) > !!! I will try to answer to your questions regarding my other health issues first. I got Fibro when I was 32 , and I think it was caused by stress (physical and emotional). We just moved to USA and were moving at least once a year - that year twice from West Coast to East and back . At the same time war was ranging
in my homeland and we lost numerous family members and friends . To make the story short I got pains in all of my muscles and joints , went through numerous tests and was finally diagnosed with Fibro. I was prescribed Relafen (NSAID drug) and it helped with pain - anxiety I batteled with meditations and prayers. I pulled myself out by shear determination that I have to take care of my children (my younger was only 3 year old), and my husband and of what was left of my extended family . But, pain was alway there, just not so debilitating as at the begining. Than after 5 years somethin
wiered happened !!!!! I got severe stomach flue and after that my Fibro WAS GONE ?????!!!!!!! Go figure.... Than 5 years ago I got strange feeling in my mouth - like if I was eating chily pepers 24/7. Again - months of no help and doctors having no idea what to do with me - I was in so much pain - I thought I would end up in asylum : ((((. Than, I finaly was reffered to the oral pathologyst and she immediately knew what was wrong. I got Klonopen (anti seazure drug) that helped a lot. The burning is still there but in small degree. And than July 27 this happened and here we go again : ((((((((((((((. Since sleep is VERY important for managing Fibro and emotional calm for managing Burning MS, both are starting to act up again since I can neither sleep well, or eat well or calm down : (((((((. With other conditions I was at least able to go out and do all chores and garden and be full time Mom and go out with my husband , now I can hardly move in the house, not to mention go out : (, and I became emotionally unavailable because this thing is taking every morsel
of my energy : (((((.
Kimbo - do you have any sideefects from your LIS? I visited 3 CRS, they all were willing to do LIS after examination BUT what is comfusing to me is that each of them used different "tools" . First used cauterisation knife, seccond miny scalpel used for eye surgeries (he said he has better control cutting than just burnng tissue), third used scisors (????). All of them of course claimed that they never had anybody truly incontinent after the procedure. But, it just sounds to good to be true, since on the net they always mention about 30% possibility. Once I found that it might actualy refer to "transient" incontinance, that goes away couple of weeks after surgery when swelling goes down and everything. One surgeon told me that if I wait over a year I might develop scar tissue and than LIS will help with with pain but fissure might not heal in 2% of such patients. I just don't know what to do - some days daipers look very appealing in comparisson to this torture : ((((. ESPECIALY that my other conditions are just waiting to "jump" out of their hiding place : (.
Happyass - how did you heal your fissure ? Thank you for advice regarding some posible meds and for good wishes : ).
Lecia, love to you too <3,<3,<3... I hope I answered to all of your questions.
I do take fish oil (some kind of enericaly coated so it openes in the guts - not stomach) and I will add flax sead too. Do you take capsules or take it by a spoon and how often and how much? How long did you have your fissure before you healed it naturally ?
Group HUG !!!!!
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 29 Oct 2007, 06:24

I started taking the flax seed too from recommendations on the board. I take 3 capsules daily, i think that it helps.
Have you tried stool softeners like Colace instead of fiber? I dont have issues with constipation so i found that more fiber just made me go to the bathroom more often. My regimen has been eating very little. Just fruits and vegs and a small amt of bread and chicken. Lots of water and vitamin water. I have BM every other day and the night before, i take one 50mg Colace with a full glass of prune juice. I found that giving my butt one day off has really helped with my healing. How long have you been taking the Nitro? It takes about 2 weeks to really see good improvement. It also helped me a lot. Its been about 6 wks of treating this fissure and I'm still not out of the woods but it has become tolerable. Luckily i found this group and learned a lot. Are you from the former Yugoslavia? I lived over there for 5 yrs. (not with the military)

Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 29 Oct 2007, 06:34

Wow-you have endured a lot! And you have survived a lot and you will survive this too.
I know what you mean about the diapers sometimes sounding like a better alternative to pain. I have seriously asked several doctors about a colostomy because of all of this.
Yes, it is important for you to be able to rest to heal and for mental health. Can you maybe get back on the klonopin? I was on that for awhile for sleep. A very small dose seems to be helpful.
I take Fisol (I think that might be what you take) that is enteric coated to release in the intestine. I also use flax seed oil 1-2 tablespoons on my vegetables at night and take 5 capsules too. I may be on higher doses on everything than anyone here because of my other underlying butt problems. I had my fissure for 4 months and used dilatiazem and 3-4 baths a day. I had a sentinel pile that was very painful which left a skintag that was so sensitive I don't know which was worse. That lasted another 6 weeks after the fissure healed. I put aloe vera on it several times a day and that seemed to help. I would have had the surgery but since I have neuropathy and diminished function it was too risky for me.
I really think All Bran Buds cereal and probiotics have really helped me stay on the regular schedule.
Where are you from? I am sorry you have known so much sorrow.
Take care,

Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 29 Oct 2007, 08:43

Fissulyna wrote:[b]Hi all,
I hope I am doing this "posting" thing right, just joined after couple of days of futile trys , I guess when your butt mulfunction - your brain follows the tend :roll: . I wuld also like to apologize for my spelling mistakes that will occur on regular bases because English is my seccnd lanuage , but I am sure that pain speaks one universal language :( . I got my fissure
on my FIRST day of vacation on HI - what a great way to start your dream vacation - heh???!! I always had trouble going to public restrooms, but had to go anyway after long trip so I was sitting on the toilet seat for eons waiting for everybody to go out so I wouldn't "God forbid" make any emberassing sound in there - like other people produce arias siting there (???), and at that moment pushed soooooooo hard that even tough I was not constipated I managed to tear my guts because of psychosis my involuntary muscle was in full spasm . HOW STUPID, STUPID I was Image !!!!!!! I know that there is no way I can go back in time, but still I can't forgive myself for doing such stupid thing, snd for being such a "tight ass" about normal,natural physical bodily function. Now I have fissure :( that does not want to heal even i tried everything under he sun . I have it now for 3 months and was 3 times so close to heal it just to reopen it with freak accidants. I feel like somebody is doing Woo-Doo tricks with my butt, I am so physiclay and emotionaly drained that I am concedering LIS moe and more. I do not have constipation EVER, and now that I use more fiber and mineral oil to lubricate guts I have soft BM's BUT I GO 3 to 5 times A DAY to the bathroom which is just rediculous !!!!
Does anybody have that kind of problem ??? My stools are ideal consistency for fissure but I have to use that poor anus so many times a day and I have to be HOME to go and have sitzbaths 4 times a day and there are just so many hours in a day !!!! My life is basicly GONE. The rast of the day if I am not in the bathroom is controled by pain
:( . I can't use Ibuprofen because of my sensitive stomach, and Tylenol just halps a little. I also use Nitro cream and gazilion natural oils and creams , but my sphincter spasms after an hour after i have my BM and rarely "let go". I am at the end of my wits ,
I know that you guys understand, that is why I am writting - only my husband understands me compleely , everybody else is waiting for me just to "snep out of it" Image . I am was offered Botox but after reading disclamer I opted not to have it , I would ruther have LIS - something that has almost 100% cure rate and is used for 50 years for tretmant of chronic fissures. I red all of the posts on this site, but after so many one just start to mix who wrote what, so i would appreciate if people who had LIS can write to me just couple of words about their satisfaction with the procedure and if anybody got incontinent after the surgery ????
Thank you all for reading and listenning to my endles rumbling, how i wish i can meet you all in person Image

Hi, and welcome to the forum :D
Sorry you're having a tough time of it, sending you some hugs. Image

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