Can I heal without surgery or meds?

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Can I heal without surgery or meds?

Postby leahnc » 03 Jul 2014, 22:01

I've been trying to add fiber to my diet and eating healthier. I had a few days that I didn't have a bowel movement and honestly thought I was cured because i was symptom free. Tonight we ate spicy food and now my flatulance is burning and I'm afraid to push my gas out because it feels like either diarrhea or leakage (but so far it's not either, just gas)

This past Monday was awful with spasming pelvic floor muscle and tailbone pain. I've been improving all week except a set back tonight with the stinging burning gas.

So I'm off spicy foods and not drinking alcohol. Anything else I should avoid? I want this to heal ASAP. :gah: Thanks
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Re: Can I heal without surgery or meds?

Postby Apes » 04 Jul 2014, 06:22

The longer you have the fissure the harder it becomes to heal. It can heal by itself and it sounds like you learned a good lesson about food. Even if you think it has healed I would be careful with food for a year as the scare tissue can retear. I would still make an appointment with a CRS there are creams that can help. I kept a diary of BMS, pain and food to try figure out what worked best for me. People react different to certain foods. I also used a fiber supplement, benefiber, and miralax. The key is to keep your BMS soft, but not diarrhea.
Fissure 2/13/14 from Colonoscopy
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