Crohns colitis and fissures

Fissures - allergy to meds?

Do you suffer from Crohn's/Colitis or IBS. If you are looking for info on how to deal with an anal fissure with these ailments, or just wanting to share your experiences, then this is the place.

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Crohns colitis and fissures

Postby suggi » 01 Nov 2014, 17:48

Sorry for long post but felt I had to explain and I have found that people with Crohns especially are very patient and understanding.

I have a complicated problem I hope someone out there can help me with. I have become allergic to most meds, oral and topical over the years and all I can take now for my crohns colitis is Librium and Librax (have not had a bloody flare since 2005).

My problem now is an old internal fissure that comes and goes for years and one I just got. The old one I was on Proctocort until I got allergic to it (was tested for allergy) then Anusol until I became allergic to that and then just Vaseline which actually worked well whenever I needed it. My GI doc retired and I had my last sigmoidoscopy in June where there was no inflammation at all, no fissure, just did have slight prolapse and enlarged papilla. As I am also allergic to rubber (again was allergy tested) so no one else has the old rigid sigmoidoscopy but him and there is rubber in the front and bends of the flex one.

Anyway, 2 months ago my old fissure opened up and I started using the Vaseline which was working but 2 weeks ago after putting in the Vaseline the whole anal area started burning terribly. Thought maybe I had not gotten all the soap off while in the shower and got some in there with the Vaseline. Did not use anything a couple of days and again tried the Vaseline with the same result. I find if I lie down after putting anything in it reaches the fissure better. Allergist said to do a self test on the inside of my elbow for 48 hours as if allergy can not use anything with white petrolatum in it either and sometimes it will not show as the mucous membranes are more sensitive than skin. So no reaction.

Last week I went BM 10 times and wiped with baby wipes and got myself another fissure right at the entrance of the anus and right inside lol.

After the Vaseline episode I have tried compound calcium channel blocker ointment (white petrolatum) BURN, Alba non petrolatum jelly, and the Dermatologist said to try Vaniply ointment which I did last nite. It felt great, no burn, nothing and this morning still no pain, even had a BM without pain so took my shower and inserted the Vaniply ointment, putting a little bit more in than last nite and lay down for a few minutes and then the BURN started again all the way around the anal area. Now I do not know what to do. I can not use nitroglycerine as it has lanolin in it before it is compounded and I am allergic to lanolin (again I was allergy tested).

Please if anyone has any suggestions please help. My new GI doc is disgusted with me because of my allergies and is sending me to a CRS next week. I do not want surgery. I can not even heal up whats in there now and also am allergic to all antibiotics except 2. I had a mastectomy for BC and the oncologist radiologist said my drug allergies stem from my immune system is whacked up because I was one of those experimental kids in the early 1940s when they thought xray and radiation was the "new cure" and I was exposed to it and she said it was unmeasured cobalt back then.

Thank you for any suggestions for what I could put in there to calm it down at least as I hate to think of the CRS looking in there with it so extremely sore.
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Re: Crohns colitis and fissures

Postby mmklinemm » 01 Nov 2014, 19:41

What about nifedipine compounded with lidocaine, instead of petrolatum?
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Re: Crohns colitis and fissures

Postby suggi » 02 Nov 2014, 00:37

mmklinemm - thanks for your suggestions. Re: Nifedipine - I questioned the compound pharm if they could put it some other base and they said only cream but it would be unstable after a week because it was not meant to be put in cream only ointment which is good for a few months ($50). I suppose they could add lidocaine into the cream or ointment but wonder if it is more a liquid than a base. Have to check.

Can you just use the coconut oil they sell in the supermarket or do you have to find a GNC or health food store? That sounds like it may sooth - also the Aveeno I will have to try. I just do not understand how I went from complete remission in June to agony now. Of course it is because my really great GI doc retired. Think I mentioned my new one just doesn't know what to do with me and probably wishes I would go away. I have tried squatting but with arthritis in the knees and foot it is most difficult. I am going to be 77 - boy it is hell to get old. This ass of mine is not what it used to be. I feel bad for the younger folk with this problem.

Do you think I can at least clear up the inflammation taking over my whole anal/rectal area if not the fissure itself because that is really driving me crazy.

How are you doing since your LIS?
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Re: Crohns colitis and fissures

Postby Savaici » 02 Nov 2014, 12:26

Suggi, I had my Nifedipine with lidocaine in it as i was allergic to just about everything else. Can't remember the other ingredients, but the compounding chemist put something else in that made for a mild cream. Had to be kept in the fridge (but I think they all do anyway, if I remember).
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Re: Crohns colitis and fissures

Postby suggi » 02 Nov 2014, 15:47

Wow, thank you Savaki - I am going to copy your post and bring it to the compound pharmacy. They said nothing about it being refrigerated - just that it would not keep in a cream for more than a it contained sorbitol which I patch tested positive to. Don't know where they get their compounding cream from but it had about 12 ingredients.

Could I ask for the name of your compounding pharmacy so perhaps I could call them to ask what is in the cream they use for a base? Then somehow I may be able to either order it from them or see if mine would use that cream base (which I doubt but there must be more compound pharms around here). Of course I would need a new script which my GI doc would not give me until I see the CRS on Nov 11. The office told me she said she would not suggest anything until then but I could still look into it.

I can do sorbitol orally as basically polysorbate is in all my meds and sorbital dirivatvies are in foods, etc. plus it did not give me a reaction on my self skin test. Guess mucous membranes are much different.

Thanks - I do appreciate the info and if possible the pharm name to see if I could use that cream. I am eternally grateful.
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Re: Crohns colitis and fissures

Postby msimon » 02 Nov 2014, 16:44

Suggi. I am so sorry to hear of your struggles. It must be really tough. I don't know what is in this base but maybe it would work? My compounding pharmacy has used it for nifedipine as well as hormones. And it does not need to be in the fridge.

The manufacturers have not given out the list of ingredients but have given a phone number [1.800.932.1039 (US) or 1.800.665.6334 (CA)] for questions and inquiries regarding the product.

I am in North America and I don't know where you are so I'm not sure if this helps....

I am very sensitive down there and it has not irritated me. But I don't have allergy issues, I don't think.
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Re: Crohns colitis and fissures

Postby suggi » 02 Nov 2014, 20:12

Good grief you have had your share!! And it was originally caused by the CRS -how awful. I have heard a lot of horror stories so when I go on the 11th I already have my defenses up. I have a slight rectal prolapse and an enlarged papilla thatI am sure he would love to get his hands on.

Thank you - I will call them tomorrow. By North America are you in the US or Canada? I am in the US. Since the manufacturer is in CA I presume you are in the US also.

How is your Crohns doing with all this? I just hope the complete soreness/absolut rawness I have all round in the rectal/anal area does not mean it is a Crohns colitis flare. Mine before was in the sigmoid area but not in the rectum. I still think I became allergic to the vaseline and everything else I have been shoving in there has compounded the problem. Just bought some Vit E ointment and coconut oil today to try for when I get desperate after my next BM. I think some of that ointment the Dermatologist had me use is still in there - it was a very thick pasty white ointment and some did come out with BM but who knows when you are hurting that bad.

Thanks again and I'll write whenI get an answer.
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Re: Crohns colitis and fissures

Postby suggi » 02 Nov 2014, 20:30

msimon - As a quick PS can you just imagine the CRS gleeful expression when he finds 2 fissures, a rectal prolapse and an enlarged papilla???
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Re: Crohns colitis and fissures

Postby msimon » 03 Nov 2014, 00:01

Hi Suggi. I actually don't have Crohn's. At least I don't think I do. Oh, and I am in Canada.

Just curious, how do you know you have an enlarged papilla? I feel like there's all sorts of things going on up there but could never get a finger up so don't really know.

Yeah, some surgeons definitely are very scalpel happy but some are very conservative and recommend against doing things. Guess it really depends on who you get. Have you been to this Doctor before? I hope you get a very good surgeon and it's a simple fix. Let us know how you do.
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Re: Crohns colitis and fissures

Postby suggi » 03 Nov 2014, 01:43

Hi msimon -Before my (great) GI doc retired I felt a lump right at the opening when putting some Vaseline in (before allergy) and he did a sigmoidoscopy and said it was an enlarged papilla. I do have that prolapse on that side also so really wonder if they are really one in the same. I am supposed to do 60 keegles per day for the prolapse but you can imagine how well that goes. I'm lucky if I do 20 especially since the fissure opened.

No, I haven't been to this CRS before but he is in the same office as the one the GI doc sent me to when I first got the prolapse last year.

As far as surgery is concerned, it will take a whole lot of convincing to get me to agree to that. Don't think I would survive with antibiotic allergies, no sitz baths, etc. To tell you the truth, my breast cancer and mastectomy did not bother me as much as my bottom does. I know that sounds crazy but............
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