by JonnyJ » 18 Feb 2015, 16:55
Hi everyone I am not new here but don't post much so just hope everyone is doing well with whatever they are dealing with and sending out good energy and vibes to everyone. I love this site it's helped me so much with info and hearing other people's stories. I had a painful fissure that healed itself but now I am dealing with a cluster of skin tags or hemorrhoids call them what you will. It was thrombosed awhile back now it is not painful any more but is bleeding a bit with most every bowel movement. The CRS I was seeing kept wanting to do a EUA on me and then wanted to do a hemorrhoidectamy but each time before the surgery I seemed to improve a bit or chickened out. I hope he's not mad at me for that but it pays to be cautious right? But I think now these skin tags or hemorrhoids or whatever it is is not going to heal itself even with all the fiber and sitz baths and soakings and witch hazel pads and colace I take. The last few days with about every bm there is bright red blood on tissue. No pain, just the blood. I dab once or twice and then it stops. Don't know where it's coming from but I assume the skin tags. I'm going to see the CRS yet again next week he'll probably want to do a procedure on me and if he thinks it necessary I'll just let him do it this time because I'm tired of dealing with all this. I just hope it's the right decision. I plan on asking a bunch of questions this time, that's my right, isnt it? I hope he isn't mad at me for not going through with the previous procedures but I have an anxiety disorder and fear of hospitals and I am autistic so maybe he will understand. I'm a gay man but haven't had any anal sex for years to let my anus heal but I guess once you get hemorrhoids they don't go away. I just hope if it is hemorrhoids/skin tags that surgery will fix this problem and I can stop fearing every BM. It doesn't help that I have a phobia of blood and hospitals.