Update following my crs appointment today

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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby msimon » 14 Jun 2015, 19:46

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to depress you further. Healing from butt issues is like peeling back layers of an onion, and it's soooo slow. How do you feel about your CRS? Did he think that the hemmies were causing you significant pain?
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby hurtinend » 14 Jun 2015, 20:08

Thank you I appreciate your help I really do, just frustrated that's all. He said the fissure is causing most of the pain, but the hems need to come out as they contribute to the overall irritation. He said the hems will never go away unless they are removed, sigh.
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby Canadabum » 15 Jun 2015, 17:55

Hurtinend...BUDDY, why does this have to happen....how many times have you asked yourself that question. I know I have asked it about 10 times a day for the past 8 months....you do the math!! You are right, this sucks and there is no way to sugar coat that feeling. This sucks big time and those that dont deal with this have little to no idea how much this sucks.....BUT (not butt) it sounds to me like you are getting some pretty decent care and some good advice.

I TOTALLY understand your worry about the procedure. I hate going to the dentist, let alone having someone do something similar through my other hole....its all horrible. BUT...you have awesome odds that this procedure will bring you some great results on a number of different levels (1) you will get someone who will be able to see what is going on and deal with it (2) you will deal with a real source of your pain and hopefully eliminate those sources (3) you will be one or two steps closer to real and lasting closure to this ordeal.

You ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING. I am rooting for you and will be thinking of you on Weds...it will go well and you will be a happy camper (it may take a week to feel that way....but you will get there, one foot in front of the next and only think about the moment you are living in rather than the moments ahead of you). This will help and you will come out of this better and more able to deal with the other challenges that you have.

Please keep us posted.

Your brother in arms...or should I say, your brother in butts,
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby hurtinend » 15 Jun 2015, 19:39

Wow thanks so much my friend....I want us all cured so we can move ahead with our lives.....

Update, not sure I did the right thing, but I rescheduled my appointment for June 30, I got cool feet and didn't want any more trauma down there. I've been thoroughly examined twice in less than 3 weeks, it's too much.

Probably dumb dumb on my part but I will proceed June 30
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby msimon » 15 Jun 2015, 22:49

It may not be dumb at all. If this fissure business has taught me anything it is to follow my gut more in making decisions, especially regarding my bottom. I don't blame you at all for not wanting to be probed again. Maybe it's best to let it heal up for a couple of weeks.
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby Canadabum » 16 Jun 2015, 16:18

I agree with msimon...and with you. If you feel like you need the time then that was the right decision! We are all our own best advocates and only you know how you are feeling and how ready you are for the procedure. Makes a lot of sense to me to give yourself time to heal up and prepare. I believe that you will give yourself better odds of doing great if you are physically and mentally prepared -- so good on you for listening to yourself and advocating for yourself.

Keep us posted.
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby hurtinend » 02 Jul 2015, 19:36


Had my June 30 appointment, waited 2 hours past my appointment time

He forgot he knew me, had to re read my chart...told me to hang in for 4 weeks, nothing done. I said okay and walked out.

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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby Canadabum » 02 Jul 2015, 20:17

WTF! Who are these Drs....if you got the same service at your coffee shop you wouldn't accept it.

I myself just got a referral to a gastroenterologist (no crs docs in Toronto it seems). Joke is that the appt is not for 6 months...

Most importantly...how are you doing, feeling?
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby hurtinend » 02 Jul 2015, 20:26

Yes, who are these doctors? Cost me $30 bucks to park, yup it's Vancouver, made me wait over 2 hours, it really messed my work day, missed an important meeting.. I had to remind him that he was concerned with my fissure, mucous and internal hems on my last visit...no matter, I walked out he didn't even take a look see.

I've been slightly improved, today a bit of a setback but nothing major, just the typical irritation, spasm and stinging, it's really all in my head I guess.

Resigned to just try and manage it, the doctors are beyond useless unless it's cancer. I am giving up for now but will try to help others with what I know and have experienced.

How r u Canadabum?
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby Canadabum » 02 Jul 2015, 20:43

I'm ok I guess...shouldn't complain too much given I'm not in real pain...just a constant low level discomfort and awareness with intermittent jabs and pokes. Not sure how or if I will ever get to 100%.
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