Update following my crs appointment today

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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby owmybum » 11 Jun 2015, 14:36

I've not heard of bleach.... But have heard of using hydrogen peroxide.

http://wakeup-world.com/2012/07/09/27-a ... -peroxide/
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby hurtinend » 11 Jun 2015, 19:01

Thanks, I won't give up, will let you know how I get on with the bleach. Funny thing, after my second soak in diluted bleach......my day has been better than usual...to be continued....
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby msimon » 11 Jun 2015, 20:28

It could be that the infection is causing you a lot of your pain. I know mine did. Hopefully the bleach is helping.
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby hurtinend » 11 Jun 2015, 20:32

So focused on fissure and hemmies, never thought I could have infection up there, in that case the bleach makes some sense, I don't know
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby InPain123 » 12 Jun 2015, 11:08

Ended up seeing the nurse practitioner at my CRS and she confirmed that my cyst-like bump is an abscess. Apparently it's causing the pus drainage (coming from inside of the anus). She said since it's draining on its own, there was no need to surgically drain it. I was prescribed some antibiotics. Does this put me at more of a risk for developing a fistula?
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby ihatethisclub » 12 Jun 2015, 13:16

msimon wrote:Must feel like a swimming pool!

Which probably isn't a bad thing! My teenage son began swimming a week ago when school got out and I'm amazed at how clear his acne suddenly is.
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby msimon » 12 Jun 2015, 14:15

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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby hurtinend » 14 Jun 2015, 14:02

I continue to soak in the diluted bleach, zero adverse side effects...ineresting my skin is less itchy than usual, hmmmm, but not sure if it's helping the fissure/hem

I'm a little concerned about getting my internal hemmies banded on Wednesday...anyone have thoughts on that?
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby msimon » 14 Jun 2015, 16:14

How many are you getting banded? My CRS always did one at a time at one month intervals. I had 2 done at once one time and that was very painful, not just the usual pain that procedure gives. I am very sensitive though. I have had hemmies banded several times and what happened for me was I had a feeling of pressure in the rectum and spasms for the first 24 hours. The bands always fall off for me the next morning with my BM. I don't know why but they were always successful, so I was told. But banding is often a temporary solution for hemmies.

Banding of internal hemmies will likely cause spasm of the internal anal sphincter and that is why they say that it can make external hemmies worse. Given that, I imagine it can make fissure pain worse, temporarily. Ibuprofen is good for the pain. Fissure ointment would probably be good too, although I have never tried this myself.

I must warn you though, banding is what gave me my fissure. I was already very tight back there and warned the CRS of this and asked if he had a smaller anoscope but he shrugged me off and wound up tearing me when inserting the scope. I also imagine that inserting a scope is not going to be good for a pre-existing fissure. I have read on here before that people tend to deal with their fissure first, then the hemmies. I think the consensus is unless they are prolapsed and strangulated, fissures are more painful than hemmies. This is my humble opinion though, as one who has suffered both, I tend to agree.
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Re: Update following my crs appointment today

Postby hurtinend » 14 Jun 2015, 16:26

Thank you for your input and your experience, sigh, can I crawl into my box now, why is this all so damn difficult. I don't remember how many hems I have, I think he said hemmies, in the plural form.

I just don't know anymore, I think a 2 week fast starts now.
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