Undo damage from cleaning anus with soap?

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Undo damage from cleaning anus with soap?

Postby as90 » 06 Oct 2017, 23:25

Hi everyone,
I saw my proctocologist finally as I was battling anal pain for 2.5 months. I had been cleaning my anal area with soap and water to help keep it clean as a way to avoid infection with the pain. Little did I know, I was making the problem worse. I have small internal hemorrhoids and I was drying my anal canal out. Now I have had to give up Coffee, Chocolate, Soda's etc. You name it.

I'm still having quite a lot of pain and the proctocologist suggests that I use Bal-Neol. I'm jsut concerned about any permanent damage I have done to the area and any inteference I have created with the production of natural lubrication?

I feel like I am still having a lot itching and I feel like this problem will continue forever. :(

Thanks in advance
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