Yes those are the symptoms,This area is extremely tempermental and causes extreme anxiety, So the cycle of fear, pain, muscle spasms have to be reversed. Takes alot of time. I basically the past six months have not engaged in any of my normal routine, because it has been so extremely painful, mine from the spasms primarily. However The botox seems to have taken care of the sharp burning pain and no bleeding when going to bathroom, but the minute its done, it still feels as though you need to go more and those crazy muscles start the memory cycle again. I am told the fissure is healed at least on the surface.
. If you check out this website has some good info ... n-ano/Also then the build up of tightness pressure and for me still having spasms and if I try to sit it feels as though there is knot or ball feeling which makes me avoid sitting or I just side sit because of it. Also due to gravity and the pressure standing or just being on my feet too long makes it worse and by the end of the night really troubling, pulls all the way up to the tailbone as well. I find laying on my side is most tolerable. Eases somewhat overnight but then starts all over the next day. Is yours similar to this? I can't believe I never heard of this before and how long this actually takes to overcome. So much patience is needed. Any time there is a procedure they do make it sound very simple but even with Botox it was for me very painful and I had sedation and it's only been alittle over a month but it still disturbed everything so much so there is still all of this pressure and tightness and a clamped shut feeling. But it is considered success technically. The least we disturb things there the better, it takes so much time to recover. The specialist said there are inflamed veins higher up where they cannot be seen that can also cause these symptoms and there is a bioflavanoid supplement that can help take care of this and also help alleviate some of the pressure and therefore helps reduce the muscle tension. I just ordered it I will look it up and let you know. It is all natural and holistic in nature. There is also something called cramp bark that can also be used to help settle things down as well. Hang in there!