Urgent Need Advise

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Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Urgent Need Advise

Postby ripsy13 » 21 May 2017, 20:37

Hello all and who had LIS done, i need your view how it feels after LIS.

Please guys can you tell after LIS after how many days spasm of fissure gone??

Means after how many days anus start to remain relax to have full blood of supply even fissure is not healed.

and after how many days pain of incision gone?

and what is the time period for fissure heal?

Spasm. Pain. Fissure heal.

Please help all sufferers to know about the healing stage of LIS who are considering to do surgery.

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Re: Urgent Need Advise

Postby Asspainsorebutt » 14 Jun 2017, 23:55

Spasms - 3 weeks after Lis still get them but they are manageable with treatment w iburpofen

Pain - depends on your surgery - but for me pain dropped a lot even one day after surgery. But pain was still an issue for 10 days or so

Fissure Healing - depends but I want to say within a week depending how it was done.
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