Variable recovery times: just LIS or other surgeries too?

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Re: Variable recovery times: just LIS or other surgeries too?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 23 Jun 2011, 13:10

Dawn wrote:Don't back out, get this done and over while you are still young. My son in-laws dad suffered with this problem for 15 years. He had the surgery in his mid 50's.

Dawn, I'm going to quote this to force myself to look at it later on tonight, or tomorrow after the endoscopy, when hopefully my mind will be more clear. My little male anatomy issue is an on-and-off problem, sometimes it's annoying and other times it's as if there were never anything wrong. But in the long run, what you've said is EXACTLY what I want to avoid. Thank you for wording it this way! Scurrying back into my little hole in the ground now :)
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Re: Variable recovery times: just LIS or other surgeries too?

Postby val » 23 Jun 2011, 13:13

Aww, everything happens for a reason, NG!
You're not a wuss - surgery's horrible. When the time is right, you'll get it done!
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Re: Variable recovery times: just LIS or other surgeries too?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 23 Jun 2011, 13:14

BTW one last note, the situation is so pathetic that even my parents are LOL'ing at me now. These are the same ultra conservative parents who keep thinking I'm going to die riding motorcycles, get freaked out when I travel alone to foreign countries, and would prefer that I don't snowboard because of the risk of injury. My mom's exact response when I told her I backed out was "WHAT!!! How can you be covered with tattoos but be scared of an endoscopy and circumcision!" Hahahahahahaha damn, that was kind of harsh, but oh so true!!
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Re: Variable recovery times: just LIS or other surgeries too?

Postby Guest » 23 Jun 2011, 13:37

I feel for ya. Your first surgery experience had to be on you arse! I understand your fear Image
You will know when you have had enough just like before your LIS. Didn't you cancel it too?
I like your moms way of thinking,Lol

Re: Variable recovery times: just LIS or other surgeries too?

Postby Deleted User 579 » 23 Jun 2011, 13:39

I second what Val and Dawn say - when you're ready for surgery, then you'll have it done. You need time to reflect on the pros and cons - will the short-term pain be worth the long term benefits? If the answer for you right now is "no", then you're making the right decision.
I think maybe part of what's causing you decision-making problems is that your situation isn't desperate. With LIS, there is no question, the pain and disruption to your life is just intolerable. But with something like this, it must be pretty hard to feel motivated. Don't worry NG. You'll do what's right for you.
I won't mention that my surgery recovery buddy bailed on me and now I have to watch geeky space shows by myself (notice that I'm not saying anything about that?) Image
Ok - that's my one little razz and I won't hassle you anymore - I'll let your parents do that! :D
Deleted User 579

Re: Variable recovery times: just LIS or other surgeries too?

Postby happyass » 30 Jun 2011, 20:58

well NG, i just get freaked out to death just walking into any doc's office.....
good luck with what you have to do!
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Re: Variable recovery times: just LIS or other surgeries too?

Postby sphinctersaurus » 03 Jul 2011, 05:11

Hey NG,
I'm a bit late to the party here but ...
Don't feel bad about bailing. We've all done it! The others are right, When you're ready, you'll do it.
I've had a few surgeries too, (nothing in the order of 14! WOW!) and I have to agree that the recovery times vary, but the butt, being the butt probably just takes longer. Weirdly though, my LIS is the only surgery I've had that came without a post op infection ... Go figure!
Hope you're doing okay. Don't beat yourself up about it!
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Re: Variable recovery times: just LIS or other surgeries too?

Postby StevePain » 04 Jul 2011, 07:44

NG..... Get it done, apparently the penis gains some length after circumcision Image
If you can do bumhole surgery then you can do this..
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Re: Variable recovery times: just LIS or other surgeries too?

Postby Deleted User 579 » 04 Jul 2011, 12:54

Hey NG! How're you doing?
I hope you're having a great 4th of July!
Deleted User 579

Re: Variable recovery times: just LIS or other surgeries too?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 07 Jul 2011, 21:16

Hey thanks guys, your words mean a lot. And yep, I'm doing alright -- thanks for asking Hope! I hope your Recovery From Ass Surgery sequel is going well :) Life has demanded my attention again recently but I'll be back to post more later. Hope everyone is having a good butt day!
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