fissurectomy with botox in the OR

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Re: fissurectomy with botox in the OR

Postby Guest » 04 Feb 2008, 15:18

Thanks for sharing your experience with us :)
I hope you're on the road to healing now. It must have been hard to work 12hr shifts with all that pain going on.
Hope you had a good weekend and your pain is getting less :)
Take care and keep us posted :)

Re: fissurectomy with botox in the OR

Postby buttgirl » 04 Feb 2008, 16:23

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Re: fissurectomy with botox in the OR

Postby Guest » 05 Feb 2008, 19:31

Just wanted to update everyone on my progress. Well, last week wasn't that bad, pain was bearable until Friday when I got sick from something (lord knows what, too much fiber? anesthesia residual, i heard that stuff stays in your system for a month) and ended up vomiting and other fun stuff for nearly 12 hours. Needless to say I called out of work for the weekend and spent another couple of days applying ointments, taking pills (no pain killers though I'm really trying to avoid them at all costs) and doing warm baths. I did do something really stupid though, I worked out! Yes, your mouths are all dropping i'm sure. You see, I called my CRS last Thur and asked if I could go back to the gym and he didn't get back to me until today. So yea, shouldn't have worked out. I mean, I didn't do anything crazy, cept for a spin class, but otherwise tried to really take it easy ya know. Dunno if that was the cause of today's serious grief ( I did go twice today, not hard but very painful). Pain was so severe today I actually broke my bathroom mirror in rage, eeek, and took two Percocets and one Ativan to calm me down. I tend to have mini anxiety attacks when the pain gets that bad. Is that normal? So yea, to make this long story a lil shorter my mother ended up calling the CRS's emergency line and we got thru to him. I couldn't even make the call I was crying and covered in snot, yea gross I know but I was seriously hurting. I'm going in tomorrow, anytime I like he says :) and he's gunna take a look at me. Says maybe I tore it open again. Thinks I should do LIS. Any thoughts? Hope everyone is doing better than me. Much love and prayers for all.

Re: fissurectomy with botox in the OR

Postby Guest » 05 Feb 2008, 21:13

Sorry you are having a rough time. I have had many a setback and at the time I thought I had ruined all the progress and my life! I think you just had a lot of things happen at once with being sick and then working out. I would think that sitting on a bike seat and pedaling furiously would irritate the area but I bet within a few days you will feel more back to baseline. I don't think you necessarily need LIS. It hasn't been that long since your fiss. and botox. Hang in there. You are doing just fine.

Re: fissurectomy with botox in the OR

Postby Fissulyna » 05 Feb 2008, 22:19

Dear Erin : (((, that is awful : ( , I can feel your pain and all of the others here who went through fissure hell or are still going through it. If you read all of the posts, which is impossible, you would find many stories like yours. Fissures are VERY finicky and just go ballistic sometimes for no apparent reason, sometimes with a reason, but pain is always the same - overwhelming : ((( !!! I didn't have anxiety attacks but I had depression attacks - I would cry sometimes for hours and just wanted to die and be over with it all. In my case, I wish I had the LIS much sooner than I did - 5 months were too much for me, took to much of physical and psychological toll. Now that I am free of pain, I still am not the same person as before the fissure, still recovering in many ways.
Everybody is different, you have to make decision for yourself because only you know when you have reached your limit.
I wish you luck tomorrow and I hope that your pain will subside soon. Let us know how it went !
Take care XOXO
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Re: fissurectomy with botox in the OR

Postby juney » 06 Feb 2008, 00:15

oh lord, i can't believe you went to spin class! i haven't been on a bike in over a year and don't have plans to anytime soon....especially not right after anal surgery! you are definitely ambitious!
it'll probably take you some time to get back on track. stick with the hot baths and just take it easy. you just had a lot of trauma done to an already traumatized area. i'm glad you get to see your dr tomorrow, but i'd be hesitant to go in for another surgery just yet. it's still only been a couple weeks right?
as for the panic attacks - i've had sooo many since dealing with this. unless they've gone through it themselves, no one can understand the psychological damage. everyone here definitely understands!
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Re: fissurectomy with botox in the OR

Postby val » 06 Feb 2008, 02:17

you poor thing! Hope you're feeling a bit better now. You would possibly do best to rest a bit more and relax and let your body heal without pushing it too hard! Give yourself a break-it takes time to get over this, physically and mentally, so be nice to yourself! After my op, I thought I was ready to go back to normal after 4 days and near enough fainted in a shop! In a little while, you WILL feel a lot stronger, but in the meantime, just chill out and veg out until you do feel better!
Then try spin class!!!
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Re: fissurectomy with botox in the OR

Postby Guest » 06 Feb 2008, 10:53

Just got back from the CRS. The DR could tell that I was in pain by looking at the fissure. He said it looks stressed and is still pretty deep. He said that I didn't do any new damage but his best reccomendation would be to have the LIS whenever I want. I know that I haven't waited long enough. It's only been a week since the fissurectomy and botox but the pain is just so bad. I'm not scared anymore of having LIS. I've come to terms with it and even feel as though i'd take minor incontinence over the pain of chronic AF anyday. It's not like I'm gunna be wearing diapers for the rest of my days. My dad says they have pretty fashionable depeneds these days lol. What should i do? I think i'll give it a few more weeks. I can't get out of work this soon again anyways. I'm just hurting soo much. I hate AF!!!!!!!!!!

Re: fissurectomy with botox in the OR

Postby val » 06 Feb 2008, 15:04

I'm no doctor, but a week after any operation is not very long to judge its success. I had an op nearly 4 weeks ago, and although I feel 100% better than before I had it, I still don't feel normal. After a week, I was still very sore, and you don't know yet whether you are in pain from the operation, or in pain because of the fissure. I would give it a little while to heal up, and then if it IS the fissure still acting up, then have the LIS when you're a bit stronger. You've been through a lot, everyone's healing time is different, you may just be a little slow to heal, but a week isn't long-the fissure could still take up to 8 weeks to heal anyway. Hopefully after another week, you may have a clearer picture and be healed a little more.
Put it this way-you're a nurse! Say one of your patients said to you they were still sore a week after their operation. You would tell them that was normal, right???
Take care!
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Re: fissurectomy with botox in the OR

Postby juney » 06 Feb 2008, 15:28

i completely agree with val. 1 week is wayyy too soon after surgery to have another one. i'm actually surprised your dr suggested it so soon after. i saw my surgeon 2 weeks after my first LIS. when i still complained of pain then he said give it 6-8, or even 12 weeks before we considered a 2nd surgery. At 8 weeks, and still not healed, I convinced him i needed the 2nd LIS surgery. By the time i had the surgery it was 4 1/2 months after my first.
So ultimately my advice is - Don't rush into something like this so soon. your body's been through so much, at least give it time to recuperate from the first surgery. it's hard not to be impatient i know, but i think you'll benefit in the long run if you give it some time.
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