fissurectomy @: /

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Re: fissurectomy @: /

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Jan 2008, 16:18

Thanks for asking Val XOXO
I can say that there is some improvement in my burning inside - now I have some pain occasionally that feels like somebody would poke me with tiny needle in place where my fissure is and sometimes on the side where I usually feel referred pain.
I also feel some pain when I just start BM - it is mild but enough to make me upset because I know that it should be gone after LIS regardless of presence of the fissure. There is also some blood on TP, just a little but again - I never had that before surgery.
It is disheartening , but I am trying very hard to stay positive - what else can I do ?
How are you doing today ? I hope you are not in much of a pain Image
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Re: fissurectomy @: /

Postby val » 07 Jan 2008, 13:14

its early days yet, don't give up hope! We are all different in our healing times-for example, my husband cut the top of his finger off when he was tiling, and I got a tiny paper cut the same day, and his finger healed up long before mine! I heal very very slowly.It must be disheartening, but at least you're not in the amount of pain that you were before the LIS. I'm sure you will get better a bit more every week-time heals all wounds!
I'm feeling really bad today, but its not long to go before my op now-thanks for asking!!!
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Re: fissurectomy @: /

Postby Fissulyna » 08 Jan 2008, 01:11

Thank you dear Val for reassuring and caring words XOXO !!! That is true, and I would be happy if I heal , doesn't mater when - ust to know that one day I would be free at least of this affliction. Although I am not in so much pain as before it is very important for me to be able to exercise because of Fibro and other health matters and I definitely can't do that. I have some other issues that I can not address until I heal fissure and that is why I am upset so much, but what can I do - can't jump out of my own skin : (((.
I am sorry that you are in pain today : (, hold on my friend, just 2 more days !!!!
I am sure that all will be well - you know how it is ; ), when one plain falls , there is very slim chance that second one will follow soon ; ))) - so I was the first plane , ha ha, and you are safe XOXOOOOOOOOOOOO :_):
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Re: fissurectomy @: /

Postby val » 08 Jan 2008, 04:38

Oh Fis,
do you think the surgery hasn't worked for you then? I was sooo pleased for you when you first had the op, I thought you were well on your way to getting better.
I'm so sorry it hasn't worked uot the way you thought, but it will in time-hang in there!
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Re: fissurectomy @: /

Postby Fissulyna » 08 Jan 2008, 14:50

Yes, I guess , only time will tell. I have to look on positive side - my pain is much , MUCH less, but not gone. I just wish I was one of those people who were healed in 2 weeks - but life is such ... My swollen ski tag is bothering me too - I don't like how it looks or that it is painful to touch - and it is all because he hit that vain and because he cut my fissure underneath it. I wish that when he had urge to cut something at least he cut that tag also - wouldn't that be more logical ???? I do not regret having LIS though, I had to do it and I am better now than before but not 100% better. Yesterday I was able to drive and go pick up my daughter from school, go buy groceries and cook nice dinner - that is first time in 5 months that I was able to do all of that and I was so happy : ))) !!! BUT, am I satisfied with the status of my but - no way . I will not conceder it healed until it stops hurting in any way because I know it can be that way if somebody skilful and caring enough takes a good look and fix it appropriately.
Don't worry my dear Val, I will find the way - I am like that - I never give up until I find relief. Maybe that is result of having so many other health issues - I just learned how to push forward no matter what ... Image
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Re: fissurectomy @: /

Postby Guest » 06 Feb 2008, 15:26

Im so sorry to hear about your trouble with your dr. I'm new at this fissure thing and having surgery in 2 days. I don't even know what questions to ask the dr. before I sign the paper work. If you have any info, I could really use it! I'm scared!!

Re: fissurectomy @: /

Postby Guest » 06 Feb 2008, 18:18

Hi Wiggles,

Here is a link to a thread that we posted on that addresses questions you might want to ask your doctor.
Hope it helps and good luck with the surgery!

Re: fissurectomy @: /

Postby Guest » 06 Feb 2008, 18:40


I am just getting around to raeding this post. I am glad I got Botox shots, LIS will be a last resort for me. I know it has worked for some people but it stinks that the CRS did not tell Fissy everything you poor girl. Feel better.


Re: fissurectomy @: /

Postby Fissulyna » 06 Feb 2008, 22:43

Thanks Patty for your concern Image ! Yes, he was inconsiderate, to say the least. LIS was nothing compared to fissurectomy part though. LIS cut healed in 2 days Image . Now that 7 weeks past I feel much better all together - no pain, no bleeding, skin tags got small (knock the wood !!!), and I can finally relax :) !
I wish you best of luck with Botox Image May you heal completely in this round !!!!
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Re: fissurectomy @: /

Postby Guest » 07 Feb 2008, 10:12

I'm so sorry to hear you're in pain. It's also week two for me and the pain has gotten worse. You make good points about fissurectomies being perhaps more of a burden than we thought since it takes longer for you to heal after one than just plain LIS. I'm starting to think that my fissurectomy with botox was a mistake...I'm trying to stay hopeful though. It's still fresh. I do however remember my first surgeon saying that he didn't think the fissurectomy was necessary since I didn't have too much scar tissue to begin with and the procedure would possibly delay healing. I should have listened to him!!!!!! I feel your pain, inside and out :( Hang in there/

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