Here we go again!

Fissure/internal hemorhoids

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Here we go again!

Postby Anemone2 » 08 May 2016, 07:40

Back in 2011/12 I found this forum and posted as Anemone. I had a fissure which took over my life and over 4 months to heal, but it did eventually and I got my life back. The support I had from forum members was amazing, so here I am again.

For some reason I'm unable to log in as Anemone so now I'm mark 2. Anyway at the beginning of April my dentist gave me a course of Clindamycin for a root canal which just wouldn't settle. This was a new antibiotic to me, having already taken 2 courses of Amoxicillin previously. A couple of days in and my whole system was in turmoil and I knew straight away the diarrhea had given me a fissure. I stopped them at day 8 but the damage was already done. Almost a month later and I'm still not back to normal.

Anyway I know how to treat a fissure, so I got back onto my old regime and it was painful but I coped. On Apr 28, feeling no better I decided I should pay a visit to my family doctor for a 2nd opinion. Yes I have a fissure, she said, but there's more inside. I looked very inflamed and sore (that's why it hurt inside too). Internal hemorhoids - an added bonus! She gave me proctofoam and said if it wasn't 50% better in a week to go back and she would probably have to refer me. The week went on and the foam stung a little on application but but Sunday I was starting to feel much better.

I went to work on Monday, conscious that sitting for 8 hours probably still wasn't the greatest thing I could do, but it wasn't actually as bad as what happened in the afternoon. Around 2pm I had that dreaded feeling of needing to go to the bathroom- but I can't at work - I can't shower or soak afterwards! So I waited until I got home and that was the worst thing I could have done. I've been sore ever since.

I couldn't face going to work for the rest of the week and my boss was very understanding (as he was last time). I took the rest of the week off and saw my doc again on Thursday. I had stopped using the foam the day before as it more or less stung all the time at this point. However I had a feeling the fissure was healing as going to the bathroom wasn't half as traumatic. It was more inside that hurt. She said it all still looks really sore and angry and that I was right to stop the foam. She referred me and said I should be seen next week.

I called the specialists office when I got home and was told he is booking into June. So I'm on my own. I've been signed off work for another week. I am sore most of the time and sometimes (I've noticed about an hour before a bm) the pain becomes so bad it leaves me short of breath. With my last fissure the pain immediately after a bm was awful, but this time it isn't, which is why I thought it was getting better. I often feel an almost 'full' feeling with pressure and a dragging sensation which is painful. This can happen any time. I am wondering if this feeling is caused by muscle spasms. Ibuprofen doesn't touch it.

I am showering instead of wiping, taking sitz baths, using a heat pad, taking magnesium, omega 3 and multivits and taking restoralax. I am also using Manuka honey which I have found quite soothing.

Of course I'm worried about work, and gradually cancelling all weekend/life plans as they draw closer as I remember when you have these ailments you are not allowed to have a life. The only good things about this is that my tooth is now feeling fine (I would rather have lost it than this) and I'm losing weight.

Feeling pretty low with a lot of tearful moments, but I know I'm not alone.
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Re: Here we go again!

Postby Canadabum » 15 May 2016, 21:18

Anemone -- soooooo sorry to hear how much pain you are in. Sending you a ton of support and strength. Those tearful days and nights are something i can relate to and i know how distressing this is.

The good thing is that you know what to do and you are doing all the right things. Heat, fibre, stool softener, baths, showers -- a couple other things i found helped me included swimming - for both the physical aspect of being in warm water and moving around...and the mental aspect of being more "able bodied". I also read a book called You are not your pain -- that was somewhat helpful to me. Are you keeping a diary to track your improvements?

Again -- sending you a ton of support!

All best - Canadabum
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Re: Here we go again!

Postby Anemone2 » 16 May 2016, 05:02

Thanks Canadabum
Swimming is a great idea, and something I enjoy, so I will try that. I swing from having a couple of good days to feeling back to square one, but I'm sure I'm not alone.
Maybe a diary is the way to go.Thanks for your support.
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Re: Here we go again!

Postby Canadabum » 16 May 2016, 06:03

The back and forth between feeling better and not can be difficult mentally...because we all doubt whether we are really healing. That is where I found my pain/food/recovery diary helpful. It put my process in perspective and allowed me to see my general progress without focusing always on the immediate moment.
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
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Re: Here we go again!

Postby Anemone2 » 16 May 2016, 14:14

Thank you. I will start my diary today!
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