Fissure healing?

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Re: Fissure healing?

Postby Sufferingbadly » 02 Nov 2016, 20:12

And here I am again... a new month, another retear.....AND I have the flu. Ugh I am not loving life at this moment.
I went to the bathroom this morning and I did have to push a little but it wasn't like a constipated push and BAM lots of blood. I just finished menstruating so I was surprised to see the blood. I took a bath and soaked. Well since I'm sick, I am now experiencing diarrhea. After wiping there was more blood. Pain scale 2... just disappointed. This fissure is on my left side, on the side but further to the front rather than the back. I've been finding this one is the hardest to heal. I figure in 3 days I'll be ok again.
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Re: Fissure healing?

Postby Sufferingbadly » 07 Nov 2016, 13:21

Still having issues. Stool is soft but not coming out easily therefore my pushes are hurting me with consequences. This morning I felt pain in two areas. Both on opposite sides of my anus. It hurt when going to the bathroom and I did use Vaseline before going. I just don't understand why my body is doing this. What the cause is and if it's something that I'm doing. And since the pain is no where near like it was in the past, are these Hemmie issues? There def is quite a bit of blood. Ugh. Today once again I am frustrated. Oh well what else can I do except wait for the pain to go away and then wait till my retear next month :(
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Re: Fissure healing?

Postby Canadabum » 07 Nov 2016, 13:31

Hey SB....sooo sorry to hear that you are in the thick of it. Sounds like you are not sure what you are dealing with right now - Shawn was the last time you had a qualified CRS take a look? I hate not knowing what I'm dealing with.

Wishing you the very best - CB
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Re: Fissure healing?

Postby Sufferingbadly » 07 Nov 2016, 17:15

I had a colonoscopy done so I know I have hemmies and he didn't see fissures. I cannot have an anoscope stuck in me!! I already know the amount my butt will stretch without ripping and that is like the size of almost a nickle. If they put that thing in me, pretty sure I'll regret it :( that thing is the size of a sliver dollar!
bottom line (haha) is that I don't want to cause further damage as to what is already damaged. Even from my colonoscopy I suffered a tear from it. I'm just at a loss of how to heal 100%. I feel that it would be too big of a risk for me to go get the surgery since my pain is no where near a 10 anymore. I guess I will make an appointment but man oh man I'll be nervous and terrified the whole time. Maybe someone can give me xanax before hand so that I'll be totally relaxed and carefree! I am stressed quite often. 5this could def be the problem.
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Re: Fissure healing?

Postby Canadabum » 07 Nov 2016, 18:07

I have found a very small amount of Metamucil helps me with peristalsis. I keep my stools soft but also want that fibre to help things flow and reduce the need to push.

If your pain is significantly lower it may be a hemmie or even a skin tag or papilla (like an internal tag). Have you thought of "treating" it as though it's a hemmie to see if that helps?

Stress definite doesn't help - I can relate. Perhaps if you set up an appointment let the nurse/secretary know you are fearful and ask them what you can do to limit your stress before and during the appointment. Also let the doc know - they may have some good strategies for you.
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Re: Fissure healing?

Postby Sufferingbadly » 20 Nov 2016, 16:44

Back once again! I've been using Vaseline before going and this morning I didn't.... also, even though I have the urge to go to the bathroom, I'm finding that my muscles won't push it out on my own. 8i actually have to push myself to go. Well today from not using the Vaseline before going, it hurt alittle. No blood or anything but now here I am at work and OMG I am so sore down there. A dull aching pain in my ass lol... if I touch there, it's 3 different places causing me pain. I just have no explanation as to why this happens. I'm really contemplating going to get it looked at but I'm 100000% fearful of the anoscope! That thing is huge!!! :( I'm feeling really sad today. I'm sick with laryngitis too. I just got my voice back today and I've been coughing a lot. I've heard that doesn't help very much as far as the anal muscles. I just want to go home and lay in a super hot bath!
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Re: Fissure healing?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 20 Nov 2016, 17:24

Hi SB,
Sorry to hear your still in pain.
I have had the anoscope lots unfortunately and can honestly say whilst it is not pleasant in the doesn't hurt any more than putting my finger up there to apply my GTN...if you have a nice dr some will even let you shoer the area with warm water first to relax it especially if you explain you have a fissure. At least if you have it done you might find out more that could help you heal.
It's not nice but it isn't half as awful as I thought it would be
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Re: Fissure healing?

Postby Canadabum » 20 Nov 2016, 18:14

What about taking an atavan (sp?) or the like before an appt to help deal with the stress. You should ask your doc if that would be advisable and possible. You owe it to yourself to find out what you are dealing with.

All best - CB
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Re: Fissure healing?

Postby Sufferingbadly » 21 Nov 2016, 00:20

Cb, htd,

I need to muster up the courage to go get checked out again. It's been over a year. In 5 months I will officially be 2 years dealing with anal issues in which I never had before until after the birth of my second child. I hate my butthole sooooooo much! I seriously just wanna to get a colonoscopy bag and just stop shitting out my butt altogether! BAM! Problem solved! :/
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Re: Fissure healing?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 21 Nov 2016, 03:23

Hey SB,
Trust me I feel you I begged for a bag when this started and as I have crohns I would at least be considered. But having researched it it too brings its problems and pain. Okk I agree not as much as the pain of spasms which quite frankly everyone who has had them and now has the bag agrees they are the worst pain ever.
I'm sure with a bit of medication and a good doctor you could get through the anoscope it is literally a 2 min thing and isn't anywhere near the pain of a spasm. If you can make sure you don't go to the toilet the day you have it just so your sphincter is as relaxed as possible.
Good luck
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