LIS or no?

Feeling so much better?!

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: LIS or no?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 05 Dec 2016, 16:43

I will definitely ask about that, thanks so much for the suggestion, I'm adding to my notes now. Better than an opioid.

I promise to try something tomorrow, even just a walk...I know you are right.

What makes me nervous is I had this feeling of tightness and fullness before I think I had a fissure - then one day blood everywhere and the pain got ten times worse. Then slowly improved, back to the golf ball, until another fissure ripped open. And now the golf ball again.
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 05 Dec 2016, 16:50

I only realised when I questioned my friend who had it for neuralgia how it worked and thought hey it's worth a try so glad I did I now have it when my pain is more than a 7 as I can't function then anyway so might as well be drowsy and pain free....but my friend has 3 a day and functions fine, I have a funny liver that doesn't always metabolise chemicals well lol.
Gosh that actually sounds like the feeling caused the fissure not the other way round...could you get to see a pelvic pain specialist asap as the last thing you need is a new fissure. If you have a healed fissure and a healing one it does seem like there is a reason behind that.
Hope you get to see a dr that can help you
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 06 Dec 2016, 09:50

Waiting for the surgeon's office to phone with my referral to pelvic floor physiotherapist, so hopefully will be calling today to get an appointment.

Sadly I'm back in spasms and aching pain. Probably should have gone ahead with surgery but who knows. Talked with my mom and she says that I made the right decision, as the fissures are clearly healed, so maybe there is something else going on.

I found yesterday putting the nifedipine on the area (tmi!) between the vagina and the anus seemed to help more, as that is where a lot of the tightness is.

Trying to not panic about making the wrong decision
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 06 Dec 2016, 10:07

Hi GG,
I'm tending to agree with your are a young women yet to have in the UK they would only give you LIS after 2 goes of Botox. It certainly sounds like you have other things going on in that area and the fissures are a symptom and not a cause. If they are healing you could end up having the LIS and still being in pain....which trust me is not a good place to be...I think you need to see a specialist ASAP as when I put the GTN on when I'm in spasm and can't get it up there it really doesn't have such a good effect so if you are getting better results from putting it in the perineum area then that would make me wonder if so much pain would be coming from a nearly healed fissure.
Really hope you get an appointment before the date fore your op as that looks like the best option for you.
Don't panic like your mum I think you made a sensible decision
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 06 Dec 2016, 10:30

Thanks for the reassurance mpb. I think I will call a couple physio places today whether I get the referral yet or not. There are two or three places that specialize in the pelvic floor near me, including nerve pain etc so I hope that will help.

I just had to go quite a bit, probably since I've been eating more and had a mango smoothie last night with my Metamucil/restoralax (less upset tummy when I mix it all together!). I find using a warm bulb enema to be the easiest way for me to go when spasms set in especially. Were you able to get a bulb enema kit mpb? I have a feeling it may help you.

Firstly, the warm water soothes the spasm and lets everything relax a little more. I put tons of Vaseline on the tip, and actually use the bulb to insert a little air along with the water, then hold for 10-15 seconds or so. Then it's like everything just slides right out! It may help with the pain of going even when you have d - maybe will dilute things a little and makes sure the area is clean after.

I'm also looking into seeing a specialized phsychologist who works with chronic pain in my area. I've never been very emotionally intelligent, and my go to when things are rough is panic and negativity lol
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 06 Dec 2016, 11:55

Yes I think going there would be great even if it's just to get some ideas.
Would love to have a smoothie of any's been 18 months since I last had one but once I get my bag I'm having loads lol. It still hasn't come yet so I'm thinking of ordering from elsewhere or maybe getting one from dr if that's possible.
I agree though this is so very draining mentally that getting some help to get through it is a great idea...if it was more readily available here I may have done so myself before now but it's mental health care here is atrocious. Guess it's a good job that I'm dealing with it ok mentally....unless they flatly refuse my colostomy...that will be a totally different matter lol
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 06 Dec 2016, 14:48

You will be having smoothies galore soon mbp!! I bet you could get one from the doctor, maybe you can phone ahead of your appointment and ask them to get one together for you.

That's too bad about the psych where you are, I've been grateful to have it accessible here as anxiety runs in my family...thanks dad.

I took your advice and went out to do some shopping today, then sat on a pillow and heating pad and wrapped some gifts. Mentally this does really help.

I will make sure to make a new post about dealing with anxiety etc with these damn issues if I see someone, I will relay what advice they give!
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 06 Dec 2016, 15:06

It's really sad that I'm actually looking forward to a colostomy so that I can have smoothies and asparagus with garlic dip and lychees....oh dear I better stop before I cry lol.
Getting back to my normal activities always makes me feel better but the only issue is we can only do this when the pain is below a certain level for me that's a 5/6. But it does make me feel like me again and not some crying wreck in agony.
Yes please do let us know what they say as there is no way I will get to see one unless they agree to my op. Would be nice to hear some ideas.
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 06 Dec 2016, 19:31

You're right...but soon you will not have to worry about it!! You won't even think before heading out for a bite to eat :)

I have two appointments Friday - one with a pelvic physiotherapist and then with my surgeon in the afternoon!! Got that physio appointment in the nick of time. The receptionist was EXCELLENT at the physio, thank the lord for good receptionists. At first she said she couldn't fit me in until march, then I explained my situation and she went right away to talk to the specialist. She called me back within the hour saying the physio really wants to see me prior to my surgery decision and can fit me in Friday! So great.

I got other good news today. I'm approved to go ahead with an official leave of absence from uni for the winter semester (until may) AND they will pay me back my tuition from the past semester that I completely missed (sept-December). That's a ton of money saved!

So overall, not a bad day!
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 07 Dec 2016, 04:08

So pleased for you GG it's great you got the appointment before the date with the surgeon. Hopefully they will be able to advise you on whether it's worth having the LIS or it's your pelvic floor causing all the issues. Wish we could have such decent healthcare over here....even when I paid I was waiting over 2 weeks.
That's good news about uni too things seems to be moving in the right direction for you.
Fingers crossed
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