LIS or no?

Feeling so much better?!

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: LIS or no?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 08 Dec 2016, 16:32

Thanks mpb!!

Glad to say I'm happy I didn't go ahead with surgery. So far I'm feeling a million times better than I was a couple weeks ago.

My body is in rough shape after all the meds, little food and bedrest so I'm finding I'm exhausted very easily, but I have tried to get outside and keep more busy the past few days.

Less burning spasms and more of a bruised achy feeling when sitting in one position or standing too long...I'm hoping that will go away. Anyone else with this feeling? I'm grateful to not be in horrible pain, don't get me wrong...but I'm so anxious to get back to feeling "normal"...will that ever happen? Like I still can't imagine lifting heavy or running or having sex eek, the thought scares me
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 08 Dec 2016, 17:16

So glad you seem to be healing GG. Your going to feel off for a while your body has been through a traumatic time. As I haven't recovered I can't really give advice on that but I do know about 5/6 weeks after Botox I was back swimming and lifting heavy weights but not leg weight I mainly focus on my arms I was bench pressing 80kilos 8 weeks after Botox and did start to run on the treadmill too on my good days lol
I'm sure in a few weeks you will be back to feeling like the old you
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 08 Dec 2016, 17:48

That's encouraging thanks mpb, I will hopefully get more answers first hing tomorrow at the physio!
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 09 Dec 2016, 04:34

Good luck for today GG let us know what the physio says
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 09 Dec 2016, 16:19


Maybe tmi here - especially for the guys! But I will be thorough in case this helps someone.

So just finished at the physio and surgeon. It was very helpful. She was not able to do anal exam (to be safe) but did feel what muscles she could via the vagina and externally. She says I have tons of tension at the anterior side of the anus and in the perenium, where my FIRST fissure (long "healed") is located. We worked on some biofeedback to practice relaxing, and she has given me some VERY gentle gentle massage to do 5 min daily for scar tissue, blood flow etc.

We discussed not only the fissure/spasms but pelvic floor dysfunction - she thinks I very likely have a rectocoel - but diagnosing that for sure will likely have to wait until I can have a rectal exam without worry. She has suggested that I should try inserting a finger in the vagina and pressing against the vaginal walk towards the rectum when having a bm to see if that helps.

I was very impressed with her extensive knowledge and she was very reassuring. She said she has dealt with a lot worse down there (ie tears from giving birth etc) and that she is confident we will be able to make some progress.

After discussing with the surgeon (who was very pleased to see improvement!) we've decided to make a follow up appointment in January. I will continue with the physio, and if there is no further improvement or if things get worse by then, then I will reschedule LIS. Otherwise, we will re-evaluate in February.

Overall I'm feeling still impatient (aren't I unfgrateful!!!) to get back to normal, exercising etc. But I am setting a goal of being back in the gym by end of January. Until then I will be trying to slowly add in walks, yoga and maybe some light body weight training when ready and as per instruction of physio.

What a long day! 4 PM and I could go to bed!
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 09 Dec 2016, 16:41

Yay GG, so pleased you seem to be getting answers at last...never made sense that you were getting so much pain from fissure that were healed. The physio sounds very knowledgable and understanding and I'm sure she has dealt with much more complicated things (I know people who have had to have colostomies due to childbirth) I'm sure she will be able to sort you out she has already given you some really useful strategies.
So glad you decided to wait before you had the LIS can you imagine how frustrating and possible painful it could have been when maybe the problem lies elsewhere. At least now you have a plan and can start to enjoy the holiday period with the new knowledge you have.
Really happy for you :smilyhug:
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Re: LIS or no?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 09 Dec 2016, 18:54

Thanks SO much for your continued support mbp it has helped me get where I am right now!

I am really looking forward to being able to participate at least somewhat in the holidays, it's my favourite time of year so I'm glad to not be stuck in bed and to be able to eat, albeit carefully. I would have had surgery on the 23 Rd if I decided to reschedule now - that would have totally put me out of commission!

I think a rectocoel is likely from what I've read. No idea how it would have happened, but it makes sense with the fact that my worst fissure was anterior - the muscle/wall in that area may just be under too much strain. Already finding the breathing helpful, it didn't do anything to help when I was bad, but now that things are improving it does seem to have benefit.

Another trick the physio told me - put your hand in a fist, and blow through the fist when you're trying to push out the bowel movement - this keeps air pressure downward in the abdomen and helps prevent too much straining. It sounds so silly but I will trying tomorrow morning :P

hope you're still doing well mpb! Sounds like things have been looking up, if slightly!
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