LIS 7/22/2019 Diary

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Re: LIS 7/22/2019 Diary

Postby jis76 » 09 Aug 2019, 10:15

2.5 Week Progress

So of course the progress is not all linear to 'healed and great', and valuable to document some of the not so good stuff. I'm still doing 10x better than pre-surgery.

So, I've been under a tremendous amount of stress the last 7 days. Back to work, and trying to make up hours, and dealing with a big stressful family issue. This has lead to me taking care of others, and not doing as well of a job taking care of myself (less Sitz baths, less walks, less paying attention to my diet).

So the bad first this time:
* Noticing some tightness and a small bit of struggle and discomfort on BMs (am I getting enough water?) The kind of feeling I would get before a 'fissure broke', if anyone knows what I mean.
* Small bits of blood in the stool, but only on the tip at the end (I guess that is more a positive)
* Leakage - I clean with bidet, some wipes and take a sitz bath. I started putting gauze back in, and noticing a bit of waste on the gauze later on in the day. It's varies in amount...some days better than others. Keeping an eye on and will bring up with CRS

So the good:
* Very little pain... almost always less than 1. But it's still there.... but I didn't expect it all to go away in 20 days.
* Poops continue to be much wider in diameter. This in itself feels like a small miracle.
* I am consistent on the AM BM. Drink of water and I go. Don't even need coffee anymore.
* My diet is better...I am tracking my calories, fiber, protein, etc really well. I'm continuing to lose weight because of this too and in normal BMI ranges. I even had ice cream and pizza yesterday (in moderation), along with veggies for dinner. This went fine. I'm just not overindulging in things like cheese/pizza/dairy.
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Re: LIS 7/22/2019 Diary

Postby Tatie » 09 Aug 2019, 13:06

Hi Jis76!

I had my follow up appointment with my CRS today actually ( I am 15 days post-op LIS and tag removal). I told him that I am still experiencing a small amount of discomfort during BM at my fissure site ( very small and not everyday ...maybe 0.5-1/10). He told me that healing can take some people 3-4 months and to give our bodies time to heal.

I also have lost a few pounds ...I do not use laxatives as I don't have constipation issues but I am very careful with my diet still. I eat very healthy and skip on processed foods, especially anything made with white flour.

Are you still taking any laxatives? Laxatives can cause leakage when rectums are healing from LIS. I, like you, was told that I had stenosis. However, I am not experiencing any tightness since surgery. One thing I could suggest is being evaluated by a physiotherapist that specializes in the pelvic floor. My CRS today told me that patients with a tight pelvic floor have a harder recovery and are the prime candidates that may need a 2nd LIS down the road. I have been seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist and she is helping my muscles relax down there.

It's early days for both of us :) Please let us heal !!! :)
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Re: LIS 7/22/2019 Diary

Postby jis76 » 11 Aug 2019, 08:15

Hi Tatie... yea, I guess we are kind of in the same boat, with that less than 1 pain around the fissure site. 3-4 months seem reasonable for full healing. Like the fissure pain before, I have good days and bad days... but the bad days post LIS are more like good days pre-LIS. That is a huge win! So far today is a great day!

I can say, I think the LIS has at the moment resolved the anal stenosis. My BMs are normal size again! This is just phenomenal. However, I do worry that I will tighten back up again, and I need to have that conversation with the CRS. @Tatie, do you think you have had the same experience with your Stenosis post LIS (ie, BMs larger sized)?

I am still using the Miralax, which may be contributing to some of the leakage I described above. I am also using benefiber (Wheat Dextrin). It does appear that I need to drink a huge amount of water during the day. I can't stress the importance of water enough for those others going through this. 100 oz seems to be the sweet spot for me (I'm around 200 pounds, and seeing recommendations for 1 oz for each 2 pounds of body weight). When I do this, I tend to have the good days...

Hope everyone out there in Fissure land continues to heal up!!
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Re: LIS 7/22/2019 Diary

Postby Tatie » 11 Aug 2019, 15:21


My BMs are back to pre-fissure that is amazing ! I no longer apply vaseline before and they effortlessly come out! No straining whatsoever ! I also have not had any pain in about 4-5 days now ? I also have no leakage or stool incontinence either. I don't have gas incontinence, however gas expels quite effortlessly now so I have to be extra mindful when sneezing and a few times it snuck up on me :)))) Don't you love potty talk :)

I would bet that when you wean off the Miralax your leakage issues would resolve. Are you elevating your feet when sitting on the toilet? This simple gesture allows for FULL evacuation there shouldn't be any left over stool to ooze out...know what I mean ? I believe I read you have used Miralax for years I would wean down very slowly and gently. No rush for now but the leakage must be a bit of a bummer :/

Sounds like we are recovering quite nicely :)
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Re: LIS 7/22/2019 Diary

Postby jis76 » 12 Aug 2019, 07:46

Oh yes! I use the squatty potty every chance I get (raised feet). The stool incontinence has been much better since I wrote about it a few days ago.

I am admittedly scared to come off the Miralax. Waiting to see what CRS says about it, but I know it will be a many month process if I do it. I think I've been on it since 2011...

Glad to hear things are going well for you too!
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Re: LIS 7/22/2019 Diary

Postby jis76 » 17 Aug 2019, 09:18

Day 27 Update:

Things are going great right now. No pain, no blood!!! Reading through how much pain I was in before this really makes me appreciate what the LIS has done for me so far. My poops are of normal diameter which is the biggest change. I've healed before, but it's usually with this really small BMs. I have worked out some of the issues of getting started, and I think it's related to my water intake and making sure I'm not putting pressure on myself to go 'first thing' in the morning, and waiting for a bit of urgency to go.

I am vigilant about my procedure. I have a BM every AM after some coffee and/or water, but like I said wait for some urgency before going. Use the squaty potty (raised feet). Benefiber and Miralax every PM. Plenty of fiber during the day, avoid intake of too much greasy food and dairy (But not entirely limited, just in good moderation). Most days I take at least one bath. I also have one of those smaller Sitz baths you put on top of the toilet that I use after each BM.

I've started back to some very basic exercise.... I fast walk, and run/jog a bit in the evening. Trying to work myself back to where I was before this all started getting bad. I haven't started the weight training again yet, need to have that discussion with the CRS. I am avoiding my follow up appointment some because I've been dealing with some family issues and the healing is going so well that I don't want it interrupted by an exam.
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Re: LIS 7/22/2019 Diary

Postby jis76 » 03 Sep 2019, 14:12

Day 39 Post LIS Update:

Feeling pretty good. Returned to all normal activities, including weight lifting and running. I'm taking less Sitz baths now. All seems to be good. No issues with the leakage. It's great to not be in pain anymore!!! I'm not quite ready to set that I am fully healed, as I still think there is a bit healing going on down there, but so far so good.

I've continued the high water and fiber intake. I've had some days where I didn't eat as I should, but no ill effects. Pizza and ice cream... yes, no problem. I try to balance that out by limiting intake of those constipating foods, while also making sure I am having some other 'good foods' if I know I am going to have some of the bad. The water intake is so key (both pre and post LIS), so that the stools are nice and soft. I originally was trying for a gallon (128 oz) of water a day, but instead I've moved to around 84oz a day. I think this is enough most days that I am not getting dehydrated from activity/sweating.

The one area of concern is my poops seem to be a bit smaller in diameter than a few weeks ago. I hope things are tightening up too much again. May need to up my soluble fiber (benefiber) intake to bulk up a bit more. I get plenty of fiber of the insoluble kind from nuts and various other foods. Perhaps some more oatmeal too... Makes me think that I should possibly consider dilation.
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Re: LIS 7/22/2019 Diary

Postby missy moo » 03 Sep 2019, 16:15

Sounds great so happy for you I'm doing well too but if I was you I'd be careful with nuts sharp buggers
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Re: LIS 7/22/2019 Diary

Postby Tatie » 03 Sep 2019, 20:57


Did you have your post-op appointment finally ? Maybe your CRS would want to examine you to see if your are tightening up again. I am attaching a video below that has been a life saver for me. I remember you mentioned you had stenosis like myself...this technique relaxes the pelvic floor and allows for elimination with ZERO straining. I no longer use the squatty potty, I much prefer this technique. Let me know if you find it helpful.
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Re: LIS 7/22/2019 Diary

Postby jis76 » 26 Sep 2019, 11:07

2 months+ (66 Days) Post Op

So I'm really awful. I still haven't followed up with my surgeon. I need to, but things are going well and in the back of my mind I keep thinking the longer I heal the less likely it will rip open on exam. I will soon... Its hard to mess with stuff when things are going well.

All is well I though. I need to continue to be vigilant about fiber intake to keep the stools bulked. Water intake is still key and I don't always get that right. It's a big difference on the days I do.

I am still taking the miralax, and the fiber supplements. I still take a bath once or twice a week. I don't use the sitz bath, haven't felt the need to. Continue to use the bidet with much success.

I've had pain here and there. It's more like an aching soreness than anything. Nothing like the pain of the fissure. I think things are still healing down there. It comes and goes and doesn't last long at all. We are still talking about 1 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Of note... I stopped the heavy-ish weight lifting I had got back into. I think that may have led to some of the tightening of things down there. For now I am staying away from that stuff.

@Tatie - thanks for the link, I'm still squatty pottying... but some of the techniques in that video help. I've had to rewatch a few times.
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