what are your daily supplements that you take?

Discuss changes in diet that have helped you manage your fissure, or any supplements or medications/creams that have been effective.

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Re: what are your daily supplements that you take?

Postby juney » 11 Aug 2008, 19:56

i take:
2 stool softeners
1 flaxseed oil
1 fish oil
1/2 - 1 tablespoon MOM
1 tablespoon benefiber
Emergen-C packet
and lots of ibuprofen. LOL
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Re: what are your daily supplements that you take?

Postby cherylk » 11 Aug 2008, 20:36

Members of this board are no doubt some of the best supplement/laxatives buyers on this earth!! (the supplement and laxative companies have nothing to fear in spite of the bad economy--I am sure none of them are affected by it!!)
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Re: what are your daily supplements that you take?

Postby Guest » 11 Aug 2008, 20:41

No kidding-my husband commented how much money we could save if I didn't take so much stuff, but what to get rid of? I just don't know!!!

Re: what are your daily supplements that you take?

Postby cherylk » 11 Aug 2008, 20:44

In relation to beauty products (moisturizers, makeup, etc.), these supplements are a steal. I just bought a jar of moisturizer today for about $70, and all supplements including the Miralax laxative ($20) are a whole lot cheaper than that.
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Re: what are your daily supplements that you take?

Postby Jen » 11 Aug 2008, 22:29

Juney - What is Emergen-C packet?
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Re: what are your daily supplements that you take?

Postby Fissulyna » 11 Aug 2008, 23:25

We do collectively (as a family) spend A LOT for supplements and my butt used up at least a thousand since last year on different creams and supplements . Not to mention that due to the pain I cook rarely now and we bring "take outs" very often which adds up !!! This butt stuff sucks and I wish I spent that thousand on facials and spa treatments or new clothes or.... just about anything- (how cool would it be to give it to poor people or to St. Jude Hospital ), anything BUT my stupid behind - waste of money, time and nerves- just stupidest condition one can have Image Image Image
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Re: what are your daily supplements that you take?

Postby Guest » 12 Aug 2008, 08:14

No kidding. I think of all the money we could have socked away for kid's college and it all goes down the toilet so to speak. And it isn't even over. I am going to see a holistic DO but she doesn't file insurance so we have to pay out of pocket. I will file myself but you know how that can be. But she is supposed to be somewhat of an intuit and has saved the life of my daughter's teacher twice! So, I guess I will go!

Re: what are your daily supplements that you take?

Postby Fissulyna » 12 Aug 2008, 16:20

OH _ that sounds exciting buddy !!! Image There are gifted healers out there - WOW, I wish I could go with you !!!!!!! I hope he is not asking too much - they should not , basically Image as it is unwritten rule. Good energy should not be used for monetary advancements - it can backfire to the person who does that. Most healers have flat fee that is even void if person is not able to pay. BUT, this is USA LOL, all is for sale Image .
I wish you luck and may he truly balance your energy fields and discover what is out of balance !!! I also know a woman who got completely healed by
holistic and nutritional healing - she was even in Stanford University Hospital
for observations and only thing they came up with was to put her in a rubber suit covered with cortisone and keep her like that for a week to see what will happen. She ran home as fast as she could and wanted to kill herself because her life was so miserable for a year , and doctors had no idea what to do with her. She went to this lady in Santa Cruz and she treated her with special meds and diet and she recovered completely in the matter of weeks !!!!
So, yes, we just have to try it all and never ever give up !!!! :nevergive:
XOXOOOOOOOOOoooooo......!!! I really feel bad sometimes for spending money for yet another exam or yet another cream : ((, but what can we do buddy - I am sure our kids would ruther have us healthy than 20 diplomas hanging on the wall Image - we have to beat this - we just have to !!!
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Re: what are your daily supplements that you take?

Postby Guest » 12 Aug 2008, 17:24

Yes, I agree, Fiss In the end, what good is money if we are crying in pain all of the time. She said it cost $210 to see her for a consult not including any labs she might need to run. If she could help us pinpoint this it could save money in the long run. We were tallying things up and we have paid more for my health care than our insurance company.

Why do you come out and go with me?

Re: what are your daily supplements that you take?

Postby juney » 12 Aug 2008, 19:49

Emergen-C is a flavored vitamin c packet containing 1000mg of vitamin c. it keeps me from getting sick! i'm not sure if it's available outside the US, but i just get mine at any longs, walmart, etc.
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