Cutting back on Miralax after LIS

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Cutting back on Miralax after LIS

Postby reidgirl » 18 Aug 2011, 13:54

I had my LIS surgery 6/27. So far, I'm very pleased with the recovery. The surgery itself wasn't as scary as I thought it would be and recovery immediately afterwards even better. Now, just one slight issue left. I continue (and I say this becaused I had this problem BEFORE LIS), is that sometimes I have a BM and after walking around for awhile or moving a lot, I will feel a little sensation like I need to go wipe again. I'll wet some TP and press it on my anus and there will be a smudge of stool there. Like I said, I had this before the surgery, so I'm not attributing it to the surgery at all. I will clean up and then depending on how the stool was that morning (rather mushy instead of well-formed), I may have the sensation again. I may have to go to the bathroom 4-5 times during the day to continue to clean up. Anybody else had this happen? I'm beginning to link it directly to the Miralax. I only take a small amount less than 1/2 capful ea. night. That's the same amount I was taking before the surgery. Anybody got any suggestions??? I'm really curious on how to get this part straightened out because otherwise I don't have any complaints. Thanks!
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Re: Cutting back on Miralax after LIS

Postby Guest » 18 Aug 2011, 15:17

Hey Reid,
As I'm sure you already know many of us have had this issue post-op. I'm not really sure if the Miralax is the problem as some of the others who have also had this problem aren't taking Miralax.
The only thing I can say is from my experience over the past 9 months, it's improved greatly.
I'm sure if you tend to have mushy stools with Miralax or whatever other regimen one would have that it could contribute to more leakage. I truly believe from research and experience that it all has to do with the weaker sphincter. It makes sense that since it will tighten over time that the leakage would become less.
Hopefully others can add...

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