LIS today

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LIS today

Postby Guest » 14 Sep 2011, 21:50

Hi, very helpful to find these forums for this hard-to-discuss problem. I'm a 44yo male, and just had LIS this morning after suffering 8 months of hell with a fissure that wouldn't heal through months of high fiber diet and stool softeners. After getting tired of scheduling my life around BMs and having the fissure affecting my ability to sit at work all day, I finally had to take the plunge, after doing a lot of research into the benefits and risks of LIS.
The surgery went fine. I am already noticing what others have reported about the surgical pain being about the same as the former fissure pain. Things do feel different, and I can tell the fissure is not screaming and aching like usual.
I am now waiting with a high level of anxiety my first post-LIS BM. I've always had a reliable once-a-day schedule, and have never had any constipation problems, but I think I am going to have a hard time the first BM after the LIS today. I am feeling the urge, and tried a couple of times 14 hours after surgery, but it just ain't happening. I think it may be psychological, as I am timid to exert any pressure in fear of what pain it may cause. They did give me a stool softener prescription, and I have taken fiber supplements daily.
Hopefully when it happens, the first BM won't be as bad as I think it will be. I hope it happens soon. Image
Last edited by Guest on 14 Sep 2011, 21:53, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: typo fix

Re: LIS today

Postby val » 15 Sep 2011, 01:16

Oh, yes, the anticipation of post surgery first bm! Yes, it is horrible, and the thought of it is worse than when it happens! Take a painkiller half an hour before it, so that it's kicked in.
Make sure you use the stool softener - very very important! Had you been using stool softeners prior to surgery? It's best to get a good regime going, before surgery, so you know exactly how much to take, then just up it slightly to counteract all the constipating stuff they give you in theatre.
Try miralax/movicol, or milk of magnesia.
Use a shower spray instead of wiping afterwards.
Stay on top of the pain, don't let the pain kick in, deal with it before it happens, it can be a shock when the local anaesthetic they put in in theatre wears off!
And congratulations for getting it over with! Happy healing!
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Re: LIS today

Postby Guest » 15 Sep 2011, 10:48

Well, it's not psychological. I've given my best effort and it's just not gonna happen. I feel like I'm trying to give birth to a tennis ball. ugh.
Time to stop all pain killers and start drowning myself in water. I may have to hop in the car to go for some miralax, etc. pretty soon. I don't know if I can make it the 24-48 hours that is supposed to take.

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