Please- does anyone else feel aches all day long?

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Please- does anyone else feel aches all day long?

Postby restoremybody » 22 May 2012, 12:45

I am trying not to obsess over this but please does anyone else have the ache all day long? The CRS told me my fissure is healed over but I still feel an ache- although much much better than it was 4 months ago. Does this ever end or is there still something wrong? Please tell me this gets better
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Re: Please- does anyone else feel aches all day long?

Postby Fissulyna » 22 May 2012, 15:57

It gets not just better but GONE once you heal completely Image
I do not want to scare you, but sometimes fissure closes on surface and not completely to the muscle and needs time to do so ! Sometimes fissure is present but not seen during an exam Image
I healed many times before having a LIS and in my opinion where there is a discomfort- there is a fissure , no matter how small (unless , of course one has hemorrhoid problems or any other condition that can cause pain ).
No pain of any kind = complete healing Image
Discomfort = something is still going on *sigh
Constant muscle ache = muscle is spasming most probably tiny fissure is still there or it is not healed 100 %
(unless one has pelvic floor muscle problems and has chronic pain in pelvic area but that feels different than sphincter muscle pain )
BUT - please try to concentrate on a fact that your fissure got MUCH smaller, if not almost 100% gone Image . In a week or two it should be closed completely and you will be pain free Image
Just be very careful you do not re-injure the area - keep that poop angel soft and continue with creams and or soaks or whatever helped you heal this far Image
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Re: Please- does anyone else feel aches all day long?

Postby Emm123 » 22 May 2012, 17:04

Don't worry dear it will get better. There are up and down days but just keep doing what you do. Mind we asking what method you used to heal thus far? Surgery? Or conservative?
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Re: Please- does anyone else feel aches all day long?

Postby Baba » 22 May 2012, 20:44

Yes, it does get better, but those spasms can hang on a long time. I was having spasms, though mild, for weeks after the fissure was healed. It seems as though the muscle has a memory and figures it needs to keep doing that for a while.
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Re: Please- does anyone else feel aches all day long?

Postby restoremybody » 31 May 2012, 15:10

Wow! you guys are so wonderful. Wish you could live down the street from me. I am having couple bad days again. Even had to take vicodin to help with other day. I haven't had surgery- though my first CRS thought I would need it. When I went for a second opinion he said it was scarred over and "healed" but defintley doesn't seem so. Should I go back to my CRS? I did like him (the second one). He sent me diltizaim today, no change as of yet.
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Constant pain considering LIS,

Postby Badd825 » 31 May 2012, 21:10

I had 2 surgeries to remove clots from thrombosed hemorrhoids back December. I have had constant pain since. I saw a colorectal surgeon who diagnosed spasms and a external hemorrhoid. Went on nitro past. Did not help. Had Botox. Did not help. Have increased water, fiber. Still manage to exercise. I am in constant pain. Even have vaginal pain. Saw a 2nd crs who recommended I wait 3 months from the Botox injection which will bring me to beginning of July. These drs keep recommending water fiber exercise. Seriously I've lost 15 pounds. I'm small to begin with. Sitz bath don't help. Only serve to give me yeast infections! I'm desperate and depressed. This pain is constant. Can fissures hurt all the time? It's not even worse when I have a BM. Which isn't consistent with what I read. I am at the end of my rope
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Re: Please- does anyone else feel aches all day long?

Postby harro » 01 Jun 2012, 00:07

i know how u r feeling badd825, iam in constant pain as well, i find heat packs help a bit, vallium at night to try and ease the spasm and panadine forte for the pain, but u have to be careful of the condine in them can make ur poo a bit harder, i have also foun slippery elem helpful as well :)
really looking forward to having my op next week.
does drive u mad and makes u cranky being in pain all the time :( hurts to stand, hurts to sit it is so enoying.
hope u can get some releif soon.
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Re: Please- does anyone else feel aches all day long?

Postby Badd825 » 01 Jun 2012, 04:05

Thank you for the reply. It is comforting to have others who truly understand. I'm tired of complaining to my family and friends. And you're right. I'm very cranky which is not my nature. Im allergic to codeine so that pain killer isnt an option for me. Advil is like taking tic tacs. I don't get relief from heat. Ice makes me feel better but I was advised against it as it can promote spasms and lessen blood flow. I've been in withdrawals from my ice packs! Can you please tell me about the slippery elm. I'm not sure how to use it or what it is. I'm also seeing a Chinese medicine doctor and I'm on my second week of the grossest tea you've ever drank! I would eat or drink anything at this point. To think I was picky before all this. Thank you to anyone that can offer advice. I feel better knowing you're all here
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Re: Please- does anyone else feel aches all day long?

Postby restoremybody » 01 Jun 2012, 13:34

:( I haven't seen any change since using the diltiazam. Can I put it on more than 2 times a day? The pain starts as a cut then radiates all the way up my left buttcheek. It feels like someone punched me in the butt.- No meds but the heavy-duty help. Although this sucks- it is better than the original 2 butcher knives up my butt feeling. Is this what healing feels like?
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Re: Please- does anyone else feel aches all day long?

Postby jr2 » 01 Jun 2012, 19:13

If you've got that much pain radiating that far out and it is that severe, your doctor needs to rule other causes out. it could be sphincter spasms, but it just doesn't sound like it.
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