.............Whats your greatest accomplishment....game

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.............Whats your greatest accomplishment....game

Postby Guest » 12 May 2013, 14:29

Hi all
This is your typical feel good game. Tell us what in your life are you most proud of that you accomplished. Something that when you think back on it makes you smile inside. Dig deep, think hard, everyone should be able to think of something.
Mine was running 12 miles straight without stopping. Before that I was never a runner. In fact in high school phys ed. they had us jog around the school once. I thought I would die!!!!!! The cramps in my stomach, and being out of breath I had to stop and walk several times.
I embarrassed myself as I was pretty athletic and played many sports. But back then and in my 20's I just thought I was not a runner as many times before a little run would produce stomach cramps that stopped me in my tracks.
Fast-forward about 15 years when @ the Dr. for a routine physical for a upcoming job he told me in passing I have high blood pressure. I was floored!!!!! He told me to exercise a bit more and that should clear it up.
Boy did I ever!!!! I found a good track to run on and said to myself I will make it all the way around at least once before I stopped jogging. The fisrt several times was like before. Stomack cramps and chest pains from being out of shape ground me to a walk. But after acouple of weeks I was able to make it once around without stooping.
Long story short, that once turned into twice, turned into 4 times........ultimately turning into about 22 times for a total of 12 miles, without ever stopping or walking once!!! It was never my goal to run that far but I said I had 2 hours to burn so I will not stop jogging in those 2 hours.
Boy were my legs on fire those last few laps but I jogged on. The leg and stomach cramps came and went but that did not stop me. This was in my late 30's
It just goes to show that the saying is indeed true; that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.
thanks for your time guys....

Re: .............Whats your greatest accomplishment....game

Postby Savaici » 12 May 2013, 20:01

Not the greatest, I will admit, but something I am proud of doing, and that is when I climbed a mountain in Scotland. I remember so well the wonderful feeling of accomplishment, and the sensational views. I was the queen of the mountain!!
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Re: .............Whats your greatest accomplishment....game

Postby Ever the Optimist » 13 May 2013, 14:57

Saving my brother's life after he got cramp whilst swimming in a lake in Germany! He started to panic and submerge so I swam out and used my life-saving techniques, cupped him under the chin and swam him back to shore. I'd just passed my Life Saving Skills in swimming and I was only 10 at the time! He was 8. My mum said it stills chills her to the bones even today. I was a hero!!!!
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