Normal for pain to vary?

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Re: Normal for pain to vary?

Postby Ever the Optimist » 18 Jun 2013, 14:19

Hi Katie,
Yes, Metamucil is great stuff for adding bulk but if you already consume a good high fibre diet, sometimes it can be too much and produce larger BMs! I don't need to supplement with this anymore as I realised my diet actually provided an adequate daily fibre intake - but you can take both together with no issues....
LOL - I had a similar experience at one of my daughter's Rainbow days. All the food there consisted of burgers or sausages in white buns with a buffet of crisps, pork pies, sausage rolls, pickled onions - everything you really shouldn't eat!! Fortunately there was one small salad bowl, so I ended up eating most of that!! I'll pack my own lunch next time.......
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
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Re: Normal for pain to vary?

Postby Katietrombone » 18 Jun 2013, 19:24

Hello! Just checking in! A good day. Relaxed morning at home, large, soft BM. Felt pretty good most of the day. Even forgot about my butt for large portions of the day! Also a walk and band practice with my youngest daughter. A good day!
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Re: Normal for pain to vary?

Postby Katietrombone » 19 Jun 2013, 21:11

So hard to get the fiber thing balanced. Too much salad yesterday started my day with diarrhea. A couple uncomfortable hours, but then a really wonderful day. Barely even sore and mostly forgot about my bottom :)
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Re: Normal for pain to vary?

Postby Just 'Pain' Tired » 19 Jun 2013, 23:31

I'm six-months plus into healing from a very nasty 'chronic' fissue.  I just wanted to say don't go over-board with the fiber or fiber supplements.  Too much of a good thing is bad.  I was too aggressive with that approach and it made for bulky hard-to-pass stools.  i use a very small dose of fiber supplement, mostly cooked veggies (not all salad or raw), and oatmeal versus super high-fiber cereal.  This helps.  Look up other posts about soluble versus insoluble fiber.  Add healthy oils to your diet and enjoy some protein! Miralax led to diarrhea for me.  I take magnesium or other stool softeners when necessary, but too loose is not ideal.  Lots of water, of course.  I agree with lube before your BM's .  It coats the fissure and helps the poops glide rather than stick.  If you have that stuck-poop feeling, drinking fluid or changing your position on the toilet may help.  Good luck!:)
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Re: Normal for pain to vary?

Postby Katietrombone » 20 Jun 2013, 07:24

I hate the stuck-poop feeling... It's almost worse than the pain.
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Re: Normal for pain to vary?

Postby Just 'Pain' Tired » 20 Jun 2013, 10:17

Yeah, nothing like not being able to pass a poop!  One day it took me four painful tries and I couldn't even leave the house.  In 'hindsight' I wish I had used a suppository. I now keep some in the house, though haven't had a repeat of that awful day.
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Re: Normal for pain to vary?

Postby Please go-away! » 20 Jun 2013, 10:18

Hay Katie.. Keep on going/plus water, water ,water..Every body has great, ideas and advise,  I have taken alot of advise here and googled some more.
Believe me, I'm slowly healing, through all these techniques...
!. Slowly increasing my fiber, not bulking like my gastro, told me the process of getting a new Doctor.
2. Still water, water ,water, before and after my meal.
3. Slowly stopping the co lace (didn't take any today..had to go to emergency a week ago..intensely backed up with pain, because of my first Gastro Doctors high fiber demand.)
4. I have been incorporating, Kefir (probiatic, like milk, that works more me.1/4 cup or less)
5. Cleansing juicing  (my juicer..back into that..slowly)
6.If I feel a little sore, inflamed, maybe hemmies still act up..( my fissure has healed) I eat a slice of natural pineapple, not canned, it reduces inflammation.
7.  Oh yes, natural salade dressings, consisting of apple cider vinegar, (get the best kind) pure virgin olive oil with a teaspoon of mustard..yumm.
8. Avocados, One a week..Split in half.
Through trial and aerier, and unfortunately with all the different foods, creams/potions  and laxatives in the past, that we  have all purchased it can be come very expensive..I think I could open my own drug store. Image 
My Bristol scale is between a #5 with some, type 4..still alittle sore, my G.p.. says its the hemmies, I can live with that, I have enough potions and lotions to put on it..Image.  
So please have patience.. I know , I know, but it takes time, You have a very busy life..but your health is very important..we are all here for you.
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Re: Normal for pain to vary?

Postby Katietrombone » 20 Jun 2013, 16:00

Thank you, please go awayowns just pain tired :o). I'm stuck in the bathroom AGAIN during my grandson's 2-year birthday party wishing I could poo. And after diahrea yesterday... Several false trips hoping for poo today. But pain and pressure are better. The advice from here is helping. And knowing you all are there helps immensely!
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Re: Normal for pain to vary?

Postby Katietrombone » 25 Jun 2013, 06:39

Thank you all again! We are on our extended-family vacation this week. I was a little terrified. But the adults all know I may need to use the bathroom (thank goodness we have four!) or may squirm in my seat if sitting too long. Some uncomfortable times, but also some pain-free times. And I started taking magnesium this week. I think it's helping! BMs are more consistent. It feels like all that water is finally making its way to my bowels :). This morning, a pain-free BM without burning afterwards. Yay!!!! A couple of long walks have felt wonderful as well.
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Re: Normal for pain to vary?

Postby Just 'Pain' Tired » 25 Jun 2013, 23:28

That's great!  You are finding what regimen is working for your body.  I'm amazed you are on a vacation.  At the beginning of my journey I could not imagine being away from home and all of my regimens, etc.  I really had such severe pain I thought I should be in the hospital (yet what would they do?).  So, bravo for you!  Yeah, avoid sitting too long.  Strolling/walking is great.  Reclining on your side (or stomach).  Whatever you need to do, do it!  I'll add that in some of the paperwork from my HMO it said, 'just relax and let it happen naturally.'  I still smile and chuckle at that when dealing with a tough time going. My experience has been anything but natural and relaxing when dealing with AF pain!!!  Hoping for the best for you!  Image
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