Stuck Stool

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Stuck Stool

Postby galamat » 02 Jul 2013, 12:32

Hi guys,
I have this strange symptom that begins usually at night. It happens when I try to pass gas, and suddenly I feel a little piece of stool stuck in the rectum. Yesterday I had a Morning BM like every day, the only thing that was a bit different yesterday is that the stool was wider than usual, it was hard to pass, but I didn't re-tear. Last night a started to feel this little piece of stool stuck, but the problem is I don't have the urge to have a BM when this happens. It is so uncomfortable, I have had this symptom that comes and goes since February, today I made an appointment with my family doctor to see what I can do about it.
Today my BM was painful, but i didn't see blood. The only thing odd I ate yesterday was some cashews, I really feel this symptom is the cause of my fissure not healing, because when I have this feeling I start to have spasms and the vicious cycle of retears, this little piece of stool puts a lot of pressure in the area. what is killing me is that i don't know the cause. Is it because of a spasm (tight sphincter), possibly I have IBS? is this constipation?  Does any of you have experienced this problem?
I have a BM every day, is like my muscles are damaged and are not able to pass all the stool out. I'm so worried.
I eat a lot of fiber and drink a lot of liquid every day. I eat a lot of soluble fiber. I don't have a clue why this is happening, perhaps is because I had a big stool yesterday? Today I have the tightness feeling again :(
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Re: Stuck Stool

Postby jr2 » 02 Jul 2013, 12:48

I pretty much live with the same thing every day. There are a lot of ideas I can float to you. Most likely a doctor will tell you it sounds like IBS. Maybe it is. In IBS, the colon, including the rectum, are very sensitive to sensations most people would never feel at all. So, that little bit of stool that is in there is something you feel whereas someone else without this hypersensitivity wouldn't feel it.
Also, when you've had a fissure your focus has of course been on your anus/rectum for a long time. this hyper focus has made those areas exquisitely sensitive to any feeling down there, even the most minor irritations can feel huge. Fissures cause a lot of anxiety, and understandably so.
Lastly, because the body's response to a fissure is to make the internal sphincter tighten and spasm in response, it doesn't take long for the entire pelvic floor to become tight as well. Complete evacuation during a bowel movement becomes really complicated and difficult.
It is not really likely to be a problem with your diet but is more likely some sort of a neuromuscular issue going on.
I totally hear you on how frustrating it is.
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Re: Stuck Stool

Postby galamat » 02 Jul 2013, 13:05

thank you Jr2 for your words, I remember reading something about it in one of your posts, but have you find any way to heal this? or at least control it? I totally agree with you that it could be something neuromuscular, the hard part is I can't control it :(
Have you try antidepressants? I have read that they sometimes work for IBS. Nobody has diagnosed me with IBS, but the more time pass the more I convince myself I have IBS, that's why I have decided to go and talk to the doctor about it, I was trying to avoid this, because I didn't want to have a colonoscopy or anything invasive down there, but this is so annoying. Can a person have a colonoscopy with a fissure?
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Re: Stuck Stool

Postby jr2 » 02 Jul 2013, 13:36

I haven't tried antidepressants because I also suffer from so many other health problems that the side effects and interactions with other medications wouldn't work for me. But it totally makes sense that they could be useful for hypersensitivity like this.
I haven't found anything substantially helpful yet, but I am doing pelvic floor stretches and massage of the pelvic floor muscles every day because when we have fissures we aren't just carrying tension in the internal sphincter we are carrying tension in the pelvic floor. Given that there are many muscles in the pelvic floor involved in having a BM, it isn't a bad idea to do some stretching and massaging of other muscles in the area.
While I haven't tried it myself, I suppose there is some logic in trying a mini warm water enema to try and clear that stool out of there, but to me it kind of only makes sense if it's a very occasional thing. Given that I'm having this happen every day it doesn't seem like a useful strategy.
If I find something that works I'll let you know. And please let me know if you do!
As far as colonoscopy, yes, you can have a colonoscopy with a fissure, but the reasons why we really don't want to are obvious. The cleaning out will stress the fissure, and the procedure itself will stress the fissure, and getting back to a regular bowel routine afterward will likely stress the fissure.
I know I don't want to have one, but I also know my doctor is going to suggest it once again this week.
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Re: Stuck Stool

Postby galamat » 02 Jul 2013, 14:59

As soon as I found a solution I will let you know for sure. uhmm interesting those pelvic floor stretches, I also suspect that the pelvic floor has something to do with it, that's why I'm doing yoga twice a week, because it is suppose to strengthen the muscles and help with constipation.
Look guys I feel like I'm a health addict, and this can not be good, I use to be normal, now I also eat vegetables and healthy stuff and I'm not even close to feeling healthy and all because of my rectal problems.
Tomorrow is my doctor appointment. I will let you know what he says, hopefully it will be more than "take stool softeners and increased fiber", because I can't eat more healthier than now, it's been months without pizza, soda, burgers, just chicken, sweet potatoes, oats and cooked vegetables and of course tons of liquid.
Thank you again JR2, I really hope you the best with your health problems, hopefully this will problems will end soon.
A big big Image for you
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Re: Stuck Stool

Postby Please go-away! » 02 Jul 2013, 17:08

galamat, I also have IBS along with diverticulitis and a fissure and some piles, it sounds like a side order at a restaurant,,I would like a side order of fissure with those fries please,Image I guess you got to laugh at it or then cry.
I find by eating a soluble food item about 20 minutes before the insoluble, it prevents the plug, tightness feel,not to mention ,also Vaseline and or coconut  applied prevents tearing.
I find that gently massaging the floor muscles helps to relax it, because of nerve damage, due to scar tissue.
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Re: Stuck Stool

Postby galamat » 02 Jul 2013, 18:52

Hi Please go-away,
eh you are from Canada too :), thank you for your comments, I will try the soluble before the insoluble. One of my concerns tomorrow is that the family doctor won't pay me enough attention, hopefully he will understand, but from what you have written and what I have read seems I will have to live with this problem, I have cried a lot today, is so depressing for me, at the beginning I thought this will go away, but it hasn't :(
I wish you the best.
I honestly don't like colemas, I would use it as a last resort, thank you for the advice
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Re: Stuck Stool

Postby Please go-away! » 03 Jul 2013, 06:13

Yes we have all shared a tear or two, I know we have to help each other to heal. I know its hard. when the pain is so bad and I'm rolling in my bed and crying and calling my sisters, what can they do, they feel helpless, My middle sister has crohns and these spasms pain, but she doesn't like to talk about it. My older sister has done so much , take me back and forth to my Doctor appointments and such.
Please keep your head up high and like your mood be hopeful.
take care of you....Image 
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Re: Stuck Stool

Postby Please go-away! » 03 Jul 2013, 08:08

Wow, I spoke to about stuck stools.:o owwee wowwy!
As I'm sitting on the toilet, I can"t go, I feel it down there, yet it ain't coming out and I know because it's to big.(it's been a while since this has happened), maybe it was a chick a pea paste I made, , spread on half a slice of whole wheat bread I had last night for Dinner. It was yummy but my but didn't like and argued that one. Image 
I did give in and took a colace, it's been a while, it does work fast for me, but regardless, not that fast, I feel what worked , was what Buttastic, I think it was him or her( sorry).
to gently press your cheeks together, to prevent a tear as your first stool is exiting. Now I'm not very strong, I lifted my self up, from the toilet slightly, and with one hand gently pressing my cheeks together while the other hand is on the toilet seat. I didn't give too poops if my arm was starting to get tired.
I concentrated, and closed my eyes from the soreness, and it worked..WOW.Image A few logs came out of me , but no pain, blood or rip. You see back in march I was put into a induced coma due to throat issues..for 11 days, it compromised my muscles along with everything else.
My legs are getting stronger, now I have to concentrate on the strength of my arms, to increase.:D Me empty, me very happy person.Please all, do try really worked,wow, it bluuu me tearing, no shards of glass feeling..just wowww.
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Re: Stuck Stool

Postby Ever the Optimist » 03 Jul 2013, 13:02

Hi Please,
Really happy that you are finding ways to get through all this and that you are doing so well after all you've been through :D Keep up the happy pooping!!
Galamat - I've been thinking of you and wondering how you are. So sorry to read you are feeling low again - Just let it all out, release all your stress and upset, and start feeling strong again soon. You have been doing incredibly well and your days will get brighter again. I hope you find a resolution and answers to some of your queries and fears very soon.....Image
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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