AF Diary - Botox & Tag Removal

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Re: AF Diary - Botox & Tag Removal

Postby vdb324 » 28 Oct 2013, 21:20

Visited my GP for a host of reasons. She wanted to provide me with another cream for my rash, but I really was hesitant, and she seemed to get that. She says it does look like I also have a yeast infection, now that the bacteria has cleared up, and is waiting to get the results back from the lab. In the meantime, she's having me take one Diflucan. She also mentioned my Vitamin B might be low, so I am starting up on some multivitamins. Seeing I don't eat as much meat as I used to, I think it will be good for getting things like Vitamin B and iron.

Yesterday, I was down to one bm, but today back up to three (one of which was very urgent). Still around a 5-7, mostly 6-7. I am trying to cut back on Miralax, but a little terrified. I did notice some blood today, which was a bit of setback. It's strange, though, seeing as I am having no pain after the first minute and no muscle spasms. I am getting more nervous about going in to see the CRS in a couple of weeks, especially now that I have had some very light bleeding (praying it was just the tag removal site still...)

A delicious fiber-full dish - rosemary quinoa and broccoli. I added a little cheese, as well.
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
Oct. 2013 - 1st round of Botox & skin tag removal
Dec. 2013 - 2nd Botox
March 2014 - Spinchterotomy
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Re: AF Diary - Botox & Tag Removal

Postby vdb324 » 31 Oct 2013, 20:57

Blood the last few days after BMs (quite a bit today), but really only pain for a minute or so following the BM. No pain afterward.

Still have some women problems going on, which my GP is trying to assist with. The rash seems to be doing much better, though.

Down to 1/2 cup of Miralax in the morning; 3/4 at night. 3 Colace. Try to do a sitz bath for 10-15 minutes once a day. Using wipes, and it hurts a bit at my tag removal site when I try to wipe well. BMs are still around a 6-7, despite decreasing Miralax, but I will give it a few more days to hit my system.
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
Oct. 2013 - 1st round of Botox & skin tag removal
Dec. 2013 - 2nd Botox
March 2014 - Spinchterotomy
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Re: AF Diary - Botox & Tag Removal

Postby vdb324 » 02 Nov 2013, 22:38

Still blood today. No pain post-bms. Two, both around a 5. The decrease in Miralax seems to be helping, and perhaps the addition of one whiskey drink... :-)

The women problems and rash seem to be improving.

However, I have developed a random foot pain/problem on top of this. This means, since surgery three weeks ago, I have had:
1) Rash near surgery site
2) Bacteria infection
3)Yeast infection
4) Run-of-the-mill cold
5) Foot problem

This is in addition to a leg problem I developed a few months ago. Good riddance. I am ready for the New Year.
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
Oct. 2013 - 1st round of Botox & skin tag removal
Dec. 2013 - 2nd Botox
March 2014 - Spinchterotomy
June 2015 - Diagnosed with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction/Vulvodynia
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Re: AF Diary - Botox & Tag Removal

Postby vdb324 » 04 Nov 2013, 23:03

Over three weeks post-surgery:

I am around a 4-5 on the Bristol, which is good, but sometimes it leans toward a 6/7. The 4/5 is probably courtesy of me going down to a half cup of Miralax in the morning and in the evening. I have also cut back to two Colace pills a day.

Rash is much better. I am assuming this was a result of the yeast infection and trapped moisture from surgery. The CRS said that the bowel prep probably didn't help matters either.

The bacteria infection that I had simultaneously with the yeast also seems to be gone.

Cold is gone.

Still some pain with bms, but usually clears within a minute. There is still some slight tenderness when I have to a sit really straight/proper posture. But, no muscle spasms!

Getting there...
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
Oct. 2013 - 1st round of Botox & skin tag removal
Dec. 2013 - 2nd Botox
March 2014 - Spinchterotomy
June 2015 - Diagnosed with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction/Vulvodynia
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Re: AF Diary - Botox & Tag Removal

Postby vdb324 » 14 Nov 2013, 22:27

5 weeks post-Botox and tag removal - follow up appt

Today was the grand reveal on if Botox has been working or not. I was hesitant going in, as I have had some of the most bleeding ever, but my pain is relatively small. It hurts following a BM more intensely for about a minute and then some dull and achiness for the next hour. nothing like the muscle spasms I had that lasted 4 hours before.

So, the verdict? I am not where the CRS would like me to be. He gave me two choices: a) second round of Botox or b) LIS. He recommended the second round, seeing I am young and healthy (and the 5% incontinence risk with LIS). I opted for the second round. I go in early Dec for round two.

Then, he told me he wanted to give me something to help with the bleeding and it might burn. As some have said, silver nitrate is like a blazing fire poker up your bum and right into the AF! Gosh, it had my eyes tearing up and biting my tongue not to cry. It was like the pain during a BM when your fissure is at it's worst -- just not as long. It did burn for the next two hours, at which point I finally took Tylenol.

He did mention that the rash may have been from the surgery site cleaning and sanitizing before operation. He said that this sometimes can kill everything and give yeast a chance to flourish. Next time, he's going to use a different "sanitizer" to hopefully lessen the chance of me getting irritated and developing a rash.

The nurse who I had surprised one morning to discuss my rash saw me and said she had something for me -- some rash ointments she picked up at a tradeshow that she thought would be helpful- so thoughtful! Then, the CRS' admin made sure to schedule my next round on a Monday at 9a - Monday means Sunday prep and 9a means I don't need to starve while people eat in the waiting room! As much as I love the staff at my CRS', I wish it wasn't under these circumstances.

a few questions:
1) has anyone had silver nitrate cauterization done? What is it supposed to do, other than stop bleeding? Build more scar tissue?
2) is seven weeks enough time between rounds of Botox?
3) has anyone not had much success with the first round of Botox, but then had success with the second?
4) the LIS has a lot of risks. Why don't they do other options like the fissurectomy for women?
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
Oct. 2013 - 1st round of Botox & skin tag removal
Dec. 2013 - 2nd Botox
March 2014 - Spinchterotomy
June 2015 - Diagnosed with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction/Vulvodynia
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Re: AF Diary - Botox & Tag Removal

Postby vdb324 » 21 Nov 2013, 22:03

Okay, so the cauterization wasn't too successful. I still have some light bleeding, usually after my second bm of the day. Something isn't right, as I am going two to three times a day (I used to go once or twice). Now, I get anxious about having a bm, and I have to go right away once I start thinking about it. I am going to cut back on the Miralax, step up the Colace, and continue taking the probiotics. I have always had an issue with my intestines speeding up when I got nervous/anxious, but now it seems even more exaggerated.

No significant pain. It's painful after going the bathroom in the general vicinity for an hour or two, but nothing like it was back in July, where I couldn't stand to sit and would walk around to help get pain relief. This I am grateful for! Now, if it would just start healing...

Just about a week until I go in for my second round of Botox.
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
Oct. 2013 - 1st round of Botox & skin tag removal
Dec. 2013 - 2nd Botox
March 2014 - Spinchterotomy
June 2015 - Diagnosed with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction/Vulvodynia
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Re: AF Diary - Botox & Tag Removal

Postby Rachael 1984 » 23 Nov 2013, 16:55

:smilyhug: Hi VDB,
So sorry you are not where you thought you would be... But, you can do this... Please keep fighting. I hope the second round will be successful for you. Maybe just tweek your routine, and I am finding it very helpful at the moment to keep a food diary and monitor my stools and pain levels daily. I will be interested to see how the second round is for you, as I may need a second round too. I had Botox back in April. My CRS said I had healed 2 monsters, now I have another at the chronic site. I am convinced it is the same Fissure, and he wants me to try and heal it before I see him again in January. Can't see it happening! I need to wait though... Damn NHS. Good luck, keep fighting....
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
Ongoing pain/re-tears. Awaiting pressure test results.
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Re: AF Diary - Botox & Tag Removal

Postby vdb324 » 23 Nov 2013, 22:37

Thanks, Rachael. I am holding out hope that the second round will be successful, as perhaps the tag removal created some additional issues to the healing with the last injection. He seemed pretty certain I wouldn't get another tag before the next appointment, so as long as that holds true, I think my recovery will be much quicker this time around!

Hope you start doing better, as well! I will keep you updated on my second round.
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
Oct. 2013 - 1st round of Botox & skin tag removal
Dec. 2013 - 2nd Botox
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Re: AF Diary - Botox & Tag Removal

Postby vdb324 » 25 Nov 2013, 18:56

Meeting with my GP tomorrow, as I think another vaginal infection is occurring. UGH! It never ends. I asked the nurse for my CRS about it, and she didn't really have much to say other than to maybe try using Cottonelle wipes (no extra ingredients) instead of unscented baby wipes.
Still having some very light bleeding, and I have to go twice a day to the bathroom. I am down to a half cup of Miralax, two Colace, and two probiotics (mostly feminine) to try to fight off this infection. My bms start at a 5, and usually end up as a 6, and sometimes, I have to go back to the bathroom a half hour or an hour after the first time, which makes me think my bowels aren't emptying themselves well. I am going to try to keep the Miralax as is, maybe decrease it, and add one more half tbsp of fiber (I currently take one in the morning). Hopefully, this will help.
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
Oct. 2013 - 1st round of Botox & skin tag removal
Dec. 2013 - 2nd Botox
March 2014 - Spinchterotomy
June 2015 - Diagnosed with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction/Vulvodynia
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Re: AF Diary - Botox & Tag Removal

Postby Rachael 1984 » 27 Nov 2013, 05:06

Good luck VDB,
Those pesky vaginal issues! I have had Thrush a few times from the sitz, creams etc.... One problem leads to another. Try to keep your chin up... Things will get better. Hugs xxxx
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
Ongoing pain/re-tears. Awaiting pressure test results.
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