possible abscess/ fistula please help

may have this ~ MRI scheduled

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Re: possible abscess/ fistula please help

Postby caf1988 » 01 Jul 2016, 10:39

isn't what your CRS is referring to technically an abscess? Had the MRI last night and just by looking at it myself could see the abscess. Received the call this AM from my CRS and I was right. Small abscess but mostly swollen scar tissue. Like I said before, I almost want to just leave it to avoid fistula, but I get I have to get it drained. The MRI also picked up on severe endometriosis which I always felt has effected my perianal region/ bowels. So I'm right but I wish I wasn't.
In your case I would do the MRI now. If there is a small abscess catching it early is better than never. I think the MRI is worth it if someone will approve it. Good luck, hoping you're ok. I'm trying not to get too down but I thought the LIS was the end of the nightmare for me but it really just caused more issues. I'd rather live with the fissure than fistulae.
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Re: possible abscess/ fistula please help

Postby Titanius » 10 Jul 2016, 11:16

Well, I waited until Wednesday and called CRS again since discharge was still there and pain seemed a bit worse, although not extreme. He had me come in so he could examine. He said he could see where the discharge was coming from, said it was a small pocket where the incision was made and prescribed me Flagyl for 7 days (500 mg three times a day). He also advised me to keep "massaging" the area twice daily to keep pus draining.

I've been on the antibiotic for 4 days and things don't seem to be much better, maybe a bit less discharge, but still painful. I'm hoping the pain is due to "massaging" the area and not infection. I'm a tiny bit concerned that I was only give Flagyl, since I see most people get Flagyl + Cipro for post LIS infections - I suppose time will tell...
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Re: possible abscess/ fistula please help

Postby caf1988 » 10 Jul 2016, 19:56

So the doctor called me last Friday after the MRI to schedule "explore and drain abscess" as there seemed to have been an abscess near incision site on MRI. Also, the MRI showed severe endometriosis all over the place. not surprising to me. anyways, was put under and when I awoke had some pain in rectum felt funny, anesthesia wearing off, etc, but the Dr told me there was "nothing to drain" all he saw making that area inflamed (the rectum wall behind incision site) was dead tissue - a previous abscess could have been here or it could have been the result of the incision being infected. So, he didn't drain anything, just did a biopsy. Got put on antibiotics for a different type of infection and the biopsy confirmed that infection, strep, was at this incision/ dead skin site. Feeling much much much better now! The doctor did not see any abscess or fistula.
Also - the biopsy pathologist said the culture showed a great deal of submucosal inflammation which was "suggestive of Crohn's" - the doctor still won't confirm if I do have Crohn's disease as all my scopes have come out great and I don't really have Crohn's symptoms at all. Before I got this fissure, I would just get constipated a lot, but have had idiopathic constipation my entire life. So, I don't know - is it perianal Crohn's? My CRS said just to keep up with the scopes if things keep feeling OK. so that's that I guess. I hope the area was inflamed from the infection and I don't have Crohn's. I would suggest people get biopsies prior to undergoing any surgery, however. I though the sigmoidoscopy was definitive for no Crohn's, so I pushed for the LIS. If I truly have Crohn's, then LIS was a bad idea. I'll keep you updated with my strange case. For now I'm OK.
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Re: possible abscess/ fistula please help

Postby Huiorty » 05 Aug 2016, 15:34

I got my lis 4 wk back...thought I would heel by now...but the fissure site is still tingling,some burning sensations,and tenderness...most probably not an abscess...but still the fissure is their...the spasms are long gone but the ulcer is their with its pricking burning sensation....ohhh God when will I heal fully...I want my life back
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Re: possible abscess/ fistula please help

Postby MarisaS » 17 Apr 2017, 21:53


Are you still getting abscesses? I've had 4 surgeries to remove abscesses since August. I've been to every specialist and finally relied on myself. I have been logging the flare ups and it's a week before each menstrual cycle. I'm positive it's endometriosis after some intense research but I can't get any doctor to listen.

I don't understand, the abscesses reoccur and burst a week before every menstral cycle, I get sever constipation and i'm basically mental. Then all the sudden the symptoms subside and life goes on until next month. I've had so many tests and they've all come back clear. I have amazing health insurance and yet i've found not one doctor willing to open my file or read the medical studies that are identical to my symptoms. It makes me even more crazy that no matter how much evidence I have and logs to back it that I can't find one dr to help...or even refer me to an endometriosis specialist.
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Re: possible abscess/ fistula please help

Postby patience_and_healing » 18 Apr 2017, 00:09

Hi MarisaS,

I chanced upon your post today. I don't visit this sub forum but your post made me pause. If the abscesses flare with your menstrual cycle then you should go see a dermatologist (if you haven't already) and get checked for hidradentitis. This is a skin condition that can be controlled with spironolactone, birth control pills and antibiotics. People with this condition often experience a delay in treatment because doctors don't know what to look for. Don't Google it, because the web will only show you extreme cases. It may also be a fistula issue which can be confirmed by doing an extensive culture. PM me if you have any questions about this.
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Re: possible abscess/ fistula please help

Postby MarisaS » 27 Apr 2017, 14:42

Omgosh :( You know I went right to those pics! Then I went through some denial but the more I research the more this sounds like me. It's even related to hormones and this flares up every month a week prior to menstruation. I smoke too :x When I had the surgery the surgeon felt it was odd that the fluid from the abscess seemed to move upwards instead of down, another indicator of HS is fluid moving sideways. I barely eat these days but when I do I'm all about sugar and dairy which are another two factors of HS. My skin has always been super sensitive but fortunately I never had problems with acne. My family doesn't really have a history of boils but my brother, niece and nephew have really bad eczema so skin problems are an issue in my family.

I'm so thankful you ran across my post and replied. I have an appt with the gyno tomorrow and one with a dermatologist later next week.

My only question is how can a dermatologist diagnose if the fluid is inside of me? The surgeon said he couldn't take a sample because it was compromised with stool. I have't found how they diagnose it yet but to be honest I didn't want to look into it any further. The suicide rate is increased because of HS and after reading up on it I completely understand why.

Again, thank you so much, you have no idea how much time I've put into researching this, I can now speak doctor after reading all the medical studies.
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Re: possible abscess/ fistula please help

Postby patience_and_healing » 27 Apr 2017, 17:29

You are welcome. I wish I didn't have to be the one to tell you what the condition could be, but it's better to know so that the appropriate treatment and lifestyle changes can begin. Quitting smoking and eating a wholesome diet can help immensely. Nd:Yag laser hair removal can also be beneficial. The condition is usually diagnosed just by the pattern of flare ups, and the locations but a culture is useful too. The doctor may make a small incision to get a sample. A good dermatologist is essential but a specialist who focuses on this condition would be your best bet. Regular dermatologists are often not up to the date with the best treatment methods according to research.
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