Perplexed and confused

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Perplexed and confused

Postby coffe_and_bikes » 15 Mar 2013, 07:32

Been lurking for a bit and thought I'd post to get some guidance on things
I believe I've had issues with fissures in the past but they've usually only last 2-3 weeks and then another 2 weeks of minor discomfort. I'd say over the last 10 years I've probably had them 4 or 5 times. I usually never have a tag (at least that I can see or feel) and I always follow proper treatment with baths which help a ton. This go around it's been closer to 3-4 weeks of real pain and now I've been on two weeks of discomfort. I'm at the stage now where the continued burning and itching is gone, it's just post BM for 5-10 minutes. I'll get the discharge(I guess pus?) which will cause irritation but never any blood and is quickly alleviated with a wipe or rinse.
Where I'm a bit confused is that certain things that affect 90% of the people hear have no impact on me. For example I eat red meat 2-3 times a month, drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day, can comfortably eat certain foods like almonds or rice and the weirdest is when I ride my bike regularly it seems to make it heal quicker. All these things seem to lead to BM issues for people but I am regular and almost always have soft BM.
I've never gone to my doctor for this due to embarrassment and from reading the amount of people going on 6 or 9+ months of issues so I figured I need to stick with it. Should I suck it up and go to my doctor or just keep on with my normal routine of keeping relaxing, stretching after long sits, baths and keeping the area clean? Additionally is it wise to start with your general practice doctor or go straight to specialist?
I realize this is a bit all over but it's hard to capture all my thoughts into one area right now.
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Re: Perplexed and confused

Postby delasama » 15 Mar 2013, 13:07

Specialist would want a referral from your doctor, so you would probably have to see doc first. Sounds more like internal or external hemroids or small fissures. Not sure why you would be having a discharge though (could be sweat?).
It just takes one semi hard steak filled poop to cause issues if you have a tight sphincter. I have had similar symptoms as you years ago. They went away by babying my butt, like dabbing with ultra soft Kleenex tissues instead of toilet paper. Now I have a fissure from taking a huge dinosaur poop after thanksgiving. I would quit eating red meats and hard stuff and baby your butt if I was you. Maybe even walk instead of biking for a while. I'm not a doctor and this is just my advice. If you continue to have any sort of discharge that doesn't seem like sweat then I would definitely go to doctor. Don't be embarrassed to go to doc. Your doc visit will be considered normal compared to most people visits.
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Re: Perplexed and confused

Postby delasama » 15 Mar 2013, 13:09

If it helps to ride bike then get out there and enjoy the day!
Biking makes butt sweaty and moist which could help heal.
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Re: Perplexed and confused

Postby coconut » 15 Mar 2013, 16:25

I wouldn't bother with your GP if I were you, especially if you are not required to have a referral. Go to a CRS. They are the only ones who really do a good job treating this stuff.
If your bike is fitted correctly, and you are used to riding it, it really shouldn't be causing you harm. I personally would not give that up. Exercise is important! If it hurts more after riding, then maybe reconsider.
It seems like you have all of this stuff pretty figured out. Seeing a doc now might ensure that you don't turn chronic. A stitch in time saves nine, right? Take care of it now before it becomes a big deal. Chances are, you'll just get diet advice and/or some cream to loosen things up down there. A friend of mine caught her's early, and she healed just using steroid cream for a week.
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Re: Perplexed and confused

Postby marg6043 » 15 Mar 2013, 21:42

coffe_and_bikes hey there, like already is been said you need to get yourself a CRS and have the area check to get proper diagnosed and treatment.
I read you post and you mention a discharge, fissures will bleed and so hems, but a discharge that needs to be checked because abscess will behave like fissures and hems also and they will leak.
Is many thread here about fistulas and how people had them diagnosed and properly treated.
I hope you find a good CRS that will work with you on healing your problem.
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Re: Perplexed and confused

Postby met6lqae » 19 Mar 2013, 13:51

I think you should keep up with what helps relieve the temporal pain, but in the long run mayby it would help if you can figure out the possible culprit of the food or food combos causing the problems. It took me years to figure I had to really cut back on my sodium and bread. But once I did that, and all other things being equal, no more anal fires.
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