hi, had this all my life

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hi, had this all my life

Postby Guest » 31 Oct 2007, 05:01

i feel like ive been suffering from this condition my whole life i cant remeber how or when it stared but im 22 now and im getting it more frequently. i think it got worse with puberty. am i the only person who has had one so long?
with me i wont have any pain or bleeding for ages and il think its gone and them il go to the tiolet and it will open again in the same place! i dont know if its the same 1 reopening again or what. it hapens about once a month. sometimes less. il have awful pain during bowel movement and then alot of blood on toilet paper after. it usually lasts a couple of days to a week. sometimes i just get the pain but no blood. i think its brought on by stess or anxiety. i dont really have contsant pain like most people describe but i do feel a slight itch or pricking sensation that comes on in waves or a sudden sharp stab that goes away instantly or a thumping feeling like a can feel my own pulse there, its so wired, but its not constant. i also have this lump inside that flares up sometimes that the doc said was probably a hemmeroid, it hurts and itches sometimes inside me, i can feel it there and sometimes it comes out whan i have bowel movement but goes back in on its own. anyone else have this?
ive been to the docs twice but they just fob it off as nothing that will go, but it doesnt! it always comes back! im getting worried now that its getting worse coz ive had it over a month now wich is really long, the bleeding during bowel movment is not going and i can feel a lump next to it getting bigger.
im getting so bitter about this as i have such a healthy diet, i olny eat wholegrain bread, pasta ect. have bran flakes and brown rice. eat at least 5 fruit and veg a day, dont eat alot of meat. i eat more fish than meat. i dont eat a lot of fried, fatty or processed food, and only drink water or fruit smoothies/juice so why does this happen to me?! its so unfair.
its taking over my life and making me so depressed, im only 22 and feel like my lifes over. im too scared to see a surgeon coz its expensive and if i need surgery i might make me incontinent and then il just die. at the moment im eating harly anything, just driend fruit like prunes, fruit smoothies, soup, boiled veg and a little nibble of cheese of bread. i feel so hungy all the time but i dont wanna eat coz i just dont want it to come out the other end. im taking stool softeners too. it seems to be getting a little better at theres less bleeding with bm. im also using the wheatgrass cream but cant tell if its working.

Re: hi, had this all my life

Postby Deleted User 5 » 31 Oct 2007, 07:05

Sometimes irregardless of our diet changes, the AF remains. I have heard of people who suffered with AF for ten years or longer. So don't feel alone in that respect.
At your age, you are at virtually no risk for incontinence. I have been on this board a year now, and I have yet to hear of anyone who actually became incontinent as a result of the surgery. A few people did not get the exact result they were after, but the LIS surgery gave me my life back and healed my fissure.
I think you need to have your physician refer you to a CRS and let *him or her* at least make a diagnosis and then recommend a treatment regimen. It may not be surgery, it could be nitro cream or BP creams or something else. But it is obvious your problem is chronic and needs medical intervention.
DO stay on the diet and try not to get *too* much fiber as that will just overwork your system. But make sure you get enough.
AF is a terrible, painful condidtion, and we will be glad to try to answer and specific questions you might have. Look arond the threads and you may find some advice that is helpful. And feel free to vent here too, anytime!
Deleted User 5

Re: hi, had this all my life

Postby Guest » 31 Oct 2007, 07:18

thanks for the advice. il try and contact a surgeon if it doesnt get any better soon, ive been to see my gp before but they never seem to concerned or think it needs attention. one time wen i went, in the time between making the appointment and seeing the doc it must have healed coz the doc didnt see anything there. the other reason i dont really want surgery is because im never really in that much pain, only during bm. so it seems like a lot to go though just to stop pain and blood i have during bm. are there different types of surgery or just one kind? i dont really understand how it works. do they make another cut? if so how does that one heal and help the fissure heal?

Re: hi, had this all my life

Postby Guest » 31 Oct 2007, 07:48

Hi there,
I can relate to your user name. It does sometimes feels like a revolt going on and a dictatorship where you are ruled by your butt. I am sorry to hear you have been going through this for so long. But the good news is that there are some things you can do to try to get control over this rather than having it control your life.
The first thing I would try is one of the BP creams like Nitroglycerin, Nefidipine or Diltiazem. I used Diltiazem and that and taking 3-4 baths a day + time helped me to heal from my fissure ordeal. I think that is at least somewhere to start before considering surgery. You can also maybe consider botox injections.
We have a lot of info here about the various treatments that are used so please look around and see what you think.
I understand your pain and fear. But there is hope and there are options. If it comes down to surgery, well, you can handle that after 10 years of dealing with this.
Image to the forum and take care. I have to run but I'll check back later!!!

Re: hi, had this all my life

Postby Guest » 31 Oct 2007, 08:36

hi, the creams you mentioned, do they not have awful side effects and cause headaches? im a bit hesitant about using strong chemicals, how do these creams work? i wish there could just be a cream that instantly heals skin and knits wounds together.

Re: hi, had this all my life

Postby Deleted User 5 » 31 Oct 2007, 10:07

No, the BP creams ( the nefedipine and diltiazem) do not have awful side effects, other than they may slightly lower your BP some! The nitro is a beast, though. It's the one that can cause headaches, but they generally only last a hour os so and the headaches should diminish over time.
Deleted User 5

Re: hi, had this all my life

Postby Guest » 31 Oct 2007, 10:16

Well, I think you need to do something about your fissure. I would be less concerned about using chemicals or surgery than about losing 10 years of my life to pain.
But I seriously would have eaten a car tire if I thought that would help!!!! :D

Re: hi, had this all my life

Postby Guest » 31 Oct 2007, 10:21

wierd how sumthing you put on your bum makes your head hurt?! cheers for all the help. maybe il try out those creams hope they are avaliable in the uk. so does the cream actually heal the fissure it self or just ease symptoms? ive been looking around the board and it seems like most peeps are in constant pain and get spasms. i dont have this wich is why im not sure that botox injections or surgerywill help. thats what it seems the purpose of botox/surgery is, to stop spasms and constant pain or itching. i just want to stop bleeding and pain with bm for good so i dont get to the stsge where im in constant pain and can eat normally again. does anyone from the uk know how u can get to see a specialist? i think id had to do it though my gp, but as i said before they dont seem to care, and as im not in constant pain they wont think it necessary that i see a specialist. can you make appoitment with a surgeon without going though a gp? is it very expensive? coz i dont hav alot of money!

Re: hi, had this all my life

Postby Guest » 31 Oct 2007, 10:27

There are a few gals from the UK here. I am sure Val will be by soon. The diltiazem cream is called Anoheal over in the UK and that is what Val uses.
It relaxes the sphincter muscle so that more blood can get to the area to heal the fissure. It helps with spasms and it promotes healing of the injury itself. It didn't give me any side effects at all and I am pretty sensitive.
I think most surgeons would want you to try the cream before a surgery anyway.

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