What have I got?

Is it a haemorrhoid, fissure or worse?

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What have I got?

Postby cl955 » 12 Jul 2017, 06:56

My first time on the forum - it looks amazing so far! I am here looking for help initially - Here is my story.

I have been weightlifting for years and have occasionally suffered with mild haemorrhoids, but these usually cleared up in days and were not particularly painful (3/10). I am 58 years old, fit and strong, non-smoker, good diet etc. with a good medical history thankfully. I live near London, UK.
Last Saturday I had to move a very heavy, awkward object in the garage with a friend, and lift it into my car. On Sunday, I removed it from the car with another friend. I felt ok after both lifts.
On Sunday evening, I had a BM which I could feel was quite firm and dry (since having my appendix removed in November, my stools have been firmer than previously). Towards the end of the BM, it felt as though a stool was stuck at the exit, and the whole of my rectum felt bloated and painful (8.5 / 10). Aware of not trying to push too hard, I spent many hours on the toilet, in a lot of pain, with no success. There was no bleeding.
I took paracetamol which helped alleviate the pain. But when I got up or moved around, it was incredibly painful. I went to see a General Practitioner on Monday who tried to examine my rectum, but could not because it was too painful. He said it could be a fissure and prescribed Rectogesic ointment and stool softeners.

On Tuesday morning, there was some oozing of runny poo, then suddenly, I was able to pass the one that seemed to be blocking the rectum. Still no bleeding. It was sore, but so much better, and with a massively reduced swelling!!
Then, within a few hours, it seemed that the digestive process moved more poo ready for excretion and the discomfort returned (4/10) with occasional stabs of more intense pain.
The process repeated - some oozing diarrhoea, some gas and then an almost uncontrollable, but soft BM. This happened several times, generally feeling better each time. Still no obvious bleeding. I am eating porridge oats with seeds etc and homemade soups with sweet potato, parsnips and other good ingredients.
What could this be? I know that I should go to see a Colo-rectal specialist, but this takes a referral and time etc. and I am slightly worried that they might want to go invasive. A GP doctor might say "well if it's better, then leave it".
I want to get back to the gym to resume training at a gentle level, but although not ready yet, don't want to aggravate the situation if it is on the mend.
Any advice or ideas from the forum would be welcome! Thanks in advance!
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Re: What have I got?

Postby zinnia » 12 Jul 2017, 22:01

it sounds like a bit of an irritable bowel episode. Maybe try a diet that makes thing settle a bit and take some hot baths to help with swelling and
blood supply.
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