What is normal?

Seeking advice on when to be concerned.

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: What is normal?

Postby missy moo » 16 Mar 2021, 17:26

My surgeon said something to me which really hit home and it STUCK he said
"if its blood without pain who cares don't get hung up of seeing blood" so as long as your pain in 0 or is getting less an less don't let seeing blood bring you down, just be guided by rate of pain not rate of blood. Good luck to all.
missy moo
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Re: What is normal?

Postby Keystonegal » 16 Mar 2021, 17:29

I sooo appreciate your response. There isn’t total pain I mean on a 0-10 scale im at 1. It did burn like hell to apply the diltiazem when I got home but it quickly let up. I’ve had a rough few months. I really hope this heals up. <3
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