What is "healed"?

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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Abu » 21 Nov 2018, 04:48

Do you still take softeners or using creams?
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Okaybum » 21 Nov 2018, 06:19

I am using GTN at night only as it makes me naseous. I'm taking both movicol and docusate sodium. I take movicol twice a day. I have not had prune juice today but at the same time, I'm hesitant to stop yet. I plan on maintaining until after Christmas. Then I will slowly wean myself from stool softeners. As for the GTN I've been on it for 3 weeks so I'll continue for another 5 weeks.
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Abu » 21 Nov 2018, 11:33

My definition of "healed": at least 1 year has passed since the last day you took any medicines, laxatives, softeners, prune juice, used any creams, etc without any issues whatsoever. That means your butt can handle different types of BMs without any re-tear or pain.

Since now, it looks like very few people can confirm being in this situation...
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby patience_and_healing » 21 Nov 2018, 18:07

I think your definition of healing needs some modifications. If a person is prone to fissures then they will likely need to be on fiber and miralax long term to avoid further bum problems. Some folks have IBS, or SIBO, or any number of digestive of issues, and if they need to take something for maintenance then I wouldn't say they aren't healed, but I'd say they're being smart and keeping their bums healthy. Besides, after a fissure is healed, it's estimated that it takes 2 years for the tissues to get back to normal strength. So during that time, precautions are necessary.
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Shannon » 06 Dec 2018, 10:23

This is the darkest time of my life! I’m the same as okaybum—-has this fissure since May (result of external hemorrhoid that thrombosed). I’ll get heal time then setbacks about biweekly to monthly. Last heal time was 7 weeks! Then setback after thanksgiving. I truly cannot go off my diet. I cannot have coffee, wine, nuts, chocolate or I’ll have a setback. I use nitroglycerin cream but this setback is painful and I’m missing a lot of work. Right before Xmas!!!
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Okaybum » 06 Dec 2018, 15:12

That's super frustrating, I definitely know the feeling. I kept to a fairly strict diet for 9 weeks. I actually cried at a doctor's office and asked her to check the healing at about 9 weeks as I could still feel it. She said it was healed.

I'm now at 11 weeks of no retears and I had a big BM on Wednesday as I ate McDonald's Tuesday (was super hungry after work as I only had lettuce for my lunch and was going to be at a stage rehearsal until 7. The BM was the kind that kept retearing the fissure in the previous month's. However, I felt no fissure pain. My anus was fine.. I deep have a deep pain in my rectum and stomach but I was having terrible gas pains so I believe those were related.

So I do believe I'm healed. I'm off the GTN cream for nearly a week now. Soon I'll slowly start lowering my stool softener dosage. That's going to take a long time as I'm on a fair amount, but I've realised I may never get off it.

I am due to get my thyroid levels checked so I'll see how that goes.
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Shannon » 06 Dec 2018, 15:25

Okaybum that’s amazing!! I’m really happy to hear that. Gives me hope. I’m ok with adopting this new lifestyle of eating and drinking like a sober vegan ! Especially if it means I live pain free and my quality of life has returned!
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Okaybum » 06 Dec 2018, 22:33

Hang in there Shannon. There's always hope but I do understand the disappointed frustration. I've lost 16 lbs on my new diet and that has kept me motivated. I found I could eat out Friday night as long as I jumped back into being a super vegetarian. I was able to have a single coffees long as my water intake was good. I wanted to have down 1.5 litres (depends on your weight) to ensure I was thoroughly hydrated. This means coffee time happened late morning or early afternoon. Increasing water helps.
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Shannon » 06 Dec 2018, 23:16

Thank you ! Yea it’s so regimented. The minute I do too much of something over time then I get setbacks. So for now I’m sticking to strict. I need this healed. Loving this support thank ya!!
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Abu » 07 Dec 2018, 11:19

Okaybum, I don't want to scare you but I think you're rushing things. I went through this more than once. 11 weeks is nothing if we are talking about a chronic fissure. Acute is something totally different.
I would stay on softeners for at least 1 year if I was you. I did it myself and it still wasnt' enough.
I wish you good luck whatever you decide to do.
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