What is "healed"?

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What is "healed"?

Postby Abu » 16 Nov 2018, 11:53

Hi Everyone,

I am following this forum since 2014, when I became a fellow sufferer. During this time I was an avid reader of the topics in "Success stories" hoping to find something that really works. Almost all swear by their methods stating that it "healed" them.
I never kept wondering what many of these people posting in that area think what "healed" means. I have seen opinions like "if no symptoms in over... then I am healed" and that varies between 1 week and 1 year with many in between. I used to be one of those believers, going through all stages: first after a few weeks, then after a few months, then after 1 year and then... I completely lost confidence that real healing, at least the meaning I give to these words, can ever be acheived.

I am sorry if I sound pessimistic and my intention is not to upset or make anyone feel bad or lose hope.
I am just curious, how do you see this - you people who still suffer from this stupid and terible disease?
If you need to be on laxatives/softeners for the rest of your life, just to keep it in check - do you consider yourself healed?
If you have no symptoms for 1 year and then it's back, and then you keep it in check another year and then it's back and on and on and on - do you consider yourself healed?
I know that many of you would be happy to keep it in check, just to escape this ordeal, but is this real healing?
Is anyone there considering that "healed" means you do not depend on any medicines, fiber, creams, whatever and can live a normal life just like you did before the AF first appeared?

Thank you for taking the time to give your feedback on this!
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby chachacha » 16 Nov 2018, 17:44

Are you asking about people who "healed" with and without surgery? I had LIS and have been completely healed for almost 4 years now. I don't have a special diet, or use creams or anything else. I am completely back to how I was before the fissure.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Abu » 16 Nov 2018, 23:25

This is exactly what I want to see: people that had zero issues in more than 2-3 years without changing their life around - no matter how they healed.
I think you are the first I see with no issues in 4 years - and thank you for sticking around this forum to encourage others!
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby bottice » 17 Nov 2018, 21:35

I would consider myself healed when I would be like myself before I had a anal fissure.
Back then I didnt have any itchy,burning or painful sensation in my butt. Back then I didnt have to worry about what I eat or using laxatives.
If I can go back to those days then I would consider myself healed.
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Abu » 17 Nov 2018, 23:33

I agree with you Bottice with a small exception: I wouldn't go back to the way I was eating before the AF as I enjoy healthy foods now. But for the rest, that is also what healed means to me...
Anyone else besides Chacha that is really healed in this sense of the word?
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Okaybum » 18 Nov 2018, 07:19

Well my fissures from last year are really healed. I don't feel them any more. My current one is a different beast altogether. Last year I had 2 acute fissures at 9am and 3pm. They were long but healed very quickly. They did not become chronic. I'd stop feeling them by day 3 of taking movicol.

This one is at the very opening in the 12/1pm position and I'm on 3 doses of movicol and still feel it when stressed, just not during a BM.i had a hard tipped BM tonight strangely and did not feel the fissure but ive been sore on and off. This one after 6 months (2 months healing) still feels very much like it is not 100%
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Abu » 18 Nov 2018, 07:35

I think most of the people who are really healed, meaning they live a normal life and not take any laxatives, softners, vitamins whatever for more than a few years... are no longer on this forum to share their experiences. At least this is what gives me hope, that it is possible afterall to get back to "you" after this dark period of life.
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby sean530 » 20 Nov 2018, 03:58

Truly a dark period indeed
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Okaybum » 21 Nov 2018, 02:35

So I was determined to get a referral and a new GP was ready to send me for an analscope or colonoscopy...I basically asked her to check it. She agreed (tears helped)

She said there was nothing there. Mine was on the outside. She could see where it had been as she said it was very little and she declared it healed.

This week I have felt it during BM. Mom said it's nerves healing, and I believe that as my cut on my finger was sensitive for several months despite being healed. It's not a scrape pain. In fact I was certain it was what a sentinel pile must feel like. Doctor said nothing was there. I'm almost 9 weeks healing (no retear in nearly 9 weeks aka no blood or pain pain but sore on and off)

My husband said great, you're healed. I'm definitely not healed in my mind but I'm getting there. I will probably see how I am in another month.
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Re: What is "healed"?

Postby Okaybum » 21 Nov 2018, 02:37

Just to add I've had this crappy little papercut on my bum since May. Retore every 2.5 weeks for 4 months. Now I'm at 6 months and some and I think I may be on the road to recovery but it's a slooooooow long way. Think of it as taking the scenic route.
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